Deadly Politics
rueful smile. “I knew I couldn’t deflect you, Molly. Actually, it’s both. Personal and professional. I’ve been sitting here wondering how to begin.”
    I poured more coffee for both of us, sensing this was going to take a while. “Start at the beginning, sweetie. It’s always the best place to start. But not before you’ve finished your breakfast. Sounds like you’ll need your strength to tell me.”
    Karen chuckled, but picked up her fork. I sipped my coffee and watched her polish off the rest of the veggie and cheese omelet, like she’d suddenly recovered her appetite. While she spread jam on the remaining muffin, I decided to prime the pump.
    â€œPeter told me that you had a serious relationship going with someone, Karen. If that’s true, I’m glad. You’ve been alone far too long.”
    â€œI’m afraid it’s more complicated than that, Molly.”
    â€œOkay, time for you to talk now. I’m tired of guessing.”
    Karen looked at me over her coffee mug. “The serious relationship is with someone in my office.”
    â€œHmmmmm, that can be tricky.”
    â€œIt’s my boss, Jed Molinoff.”
    I made a face. “Not good, Karen. Not good at all.”
    She released a long sigh, as if relieved at the telling. “It was at the beginning of last year when we were in paranoid campaign mode. Working those late nights. Sleeping on the office sofas, eating cold pizza … I don’t know how it happened. Suddenly we looked at each other, and it was different somehow. We just fell into it, I guess, and we haven’t been able to stop since. God knows I’ve tried.” She shook her head. “But as soon as I go back into the office, it starts all over again. Jed starts talking to me, and I get this yearning … I don’t know what it is.”
    I knew what it was. And had experienced it myself in the heat of an intense, hard-fought campaign. Being thrown together with people like yourself, shared emotions, shared dreams, it was hard to separate the adrenaline of the action from a real attraction.
    â€œI know what you mean, Karen. I’ve been there. But even so, you’ve got to stop it. The sooner, the better. Gossip can do more damage than you know.”
    â€œIt gets worse,” she said from behind her cup. “He’s married with children.”
    This time, I flinched. Damn .
    â€œYou’ve got to put an end to it now, Karen. Tonight. No more working late. No more spending time together. This affair is toxic to you and your career. Once Congressman Jackson finds out—and he will, everyone always finds out—he’ll want you to leave. You know that.”
    She closed her eyes. “I know, I know … how could I have been so stupid! I know better. I never thought something like that would happen to me.”
    â€œLoneliness makes us do stupid things. I can attest to that.”
    â€œAnd you’re right. Congressman Jackson would keep Jed because he’s so dependent on him. Jackson depends on me, too. Even so, I’d be the one to go.”
    â€œTell Molinoff today. Don’t wait until Monday. It’s good you’re coming home with me. That way, if he tries to call and pressure you, we’ll be around tomorrow for moral support.” I reached over and squeezed her arm.
    Karen stared at the tablecloth, her finger tracing an invisible pattern. “I’m not sure if Jed would pressure me to stay or not. We had an argument earlier this week, and he’s been acting differently toward me ever since.”
    â€œSounds like a serious argument.”
    â€œWell, I didn’t think it was,” her voice still betrayed surprise. “But Jed reacted strangely, not like himself at all. It surprised me how upset he got about it.”
    â€œWhat was this disagreement about?”
    â€œThat’s what’s so puzzling. There was no disagreement. Not at

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