
Deceptions by Cynthia Eden

Book: Deceptions by Cynthia Eden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Eden
He pushed away from the wall. From me. “You take the bed. I’ll go for another shower.” He headed for the door and muttered, “A very cold one this time.”
    She watched him leave. Her whole body was tense and far too sensitive. Her nipples thrust against the front of his robe. Her skin felt too hot. And a cold sure seemed like a good idea to her, too.
    Did Mac think he was the only one who had fantasies? If so, he was very much mistaken. He’d been starring in her dreams for a while now. Ever since she’d looked up and seen him standing on the other side of that library counter.
    * * *
    M ELINDA ’ S EYES CRACKED OPEN . Her head was pounding, and her mouth was as dry as a desert. She couldn’t see anything, just total darkness. But at least she was alive.
    That means I have a chance.
    Her hands were bound behind her. Thick, rough hemp rope cut into her wrists. Her ankles were tied to the legs of a chair. The perp had sure secured her well.
    Where was he? And could she get loose before he came back?
    A door opened then, squeaking on its hinges, and light flooded into the room. She squinted against that light and tried to see his face. She hadn’t seen him before, not clearly. Not before the guy had jabbed a needle into her.
    â€œHello, Detective Chafer,” he said. He was standing in front of the light, and she still couldn’t clearly see his face. Then he stepped forward, shut the door, and darkness filled the space once again.
    She didn’t like that darkness. In her experience, monsters always hid in the dark. They did their very worst work in the dark. Most of the murders, most of the beatings...they were always under the cover of darkness.
    She drew in a deep breath and tried to prepare for whatever was coming. She’d been shot before. She’d been hurt in the line of duty, and she’d survived. She wasn’t going to go out without a fight. “Who are you?” Her voice showed no fear. She wouldn’t show fear.
    â€œMy name doesn’t matter so much. It’s the job that I do...that matters.”
    The floor creaked beneath his feet, and she knew he was coming closer. “Just what kind of job is it that you have?” A job... she didn’t like that. It implied he was some sort of hired gun, and that type of criminal was a whole different beast.
    â€œI’m a fixer. I make problems go away.” He touched her shoulder. “I’m very good at my job.”
    She understood then that she was one of his problems. Damn him. “Is that why Yeldon is dead? Someone called you in to eliminate him?”
    â€œHe was a problem,” he said softly. “The guy never should have been involved. Some people just can’t let the past go.”
    â€œAnd the woman, Elizabeth Snow?”
    â€œI didn’t think she knew anything. She was never supposed to be a target. But Yeldon...he made me realize that she was just holding on to secrets. My employer became very concerned about that.”
    So she was talking to the errand boy. The real threat was the employer. Just who the hell was that?
    â€œI’ve got many interesting skills,” he murmured. “I’m good with guns, bombs, knives...”
    Melinda did not like where this was going.
    â€œI can show you just how good I am.” He paused. “You really should have just taken that money as a token of appreciation. You could have looked the other way, and you wouldn’t have been involved at all.”
    â€œThat’s not who I am.”
    â€œIt’s who your lover was.”
    That burned. She hadn’t known that her ex had been a dirty cop. But she’d still been painted with the same brush at the PD—guilty by association. That was why her promotion hadn’t come through. Why she’d suddenly been given the short end of the stick when it came to the caseloads.
    â€œThings would have been easier for you if you’d

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