Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)

Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) by Erica Hutchings

Book: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) by Erica Hutchings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Hutchings
the source of inspiration for Trevor’s chicken pomegranate. Grace was flattered
by the memory. Trevor knew he found his way to Grace’s body.
                “Everything alright?” Trevor asked pulling
seat in front of her.   Grace hadn’t
expected to see Trevor take a seat.
                “Yes. Everything’s fine. I’m
finishing this lovely meal and finished conversing with family.” Grace replied
warmly swirling her glass of water. “My aunts invited you to the Savoury Plum
for tea.”
                “Thanks. After the Dowling wedding
I’ll visit the Savoury Plum.” Trevor said laughing. Grace spoke to Trevor highly
about her aunts. He knew they had a crush on him.
                “Grace, I was wondering, when you
move to London I’d be happy to help you with business. I know London’s a
challenging, daunting city. You need all the friends who can help. It will make
things easy and better off for you. I’d hate to see the daughter of my former
teacher starting off badly.” Trevor said.
                Trevor took a puff from his
cigarette, flicking his ashes on the stone floor. Trevor sound sincere in his
advice to a point. He wanted Grace alone, away from two overprotective aunts. Grace’s young with a hot body. I need her
badly. I bet she’s a nice tight thing. Judging by Grace’s expression of genuine content Trevor knew she was hooked.
can’t believe it! Here’s the world’s most recognised chef willing to help me
with Delicious! Grace’s mind screamed.
                “Thanks, Chef Hare! I truly appreciate
it!” Grace squealed. She wanted to throw her arms around Trevor’s neck in
delight. Grace thought of raining kisses on his cheeks, but held back. She
didn’t want him to get the wrong impression.
                “Tomorrow, why don’t you have dinner
with me?” Trevor asked exhaling smoke.
                “That’s great! I love it!” Grace
replied. She sounded like a young fan smitten by her favourite boy-band singer.
                “Good! Tomorrow night it is. I’ve
got to get back.” Trevor said. “Good night.” he added. Trevor rose to his feet
pushing the chair underneath the table.
                “Good night, Chef Hare.” Grace
called out after him.
                Grace looked at her Blackberry to
see the time. It’s late. Grace didn’t
want to miss Guy. She finished dinner. Afterwards Grace sped walk back to the
cottage feeling as if she was on cloud nine. She couldn’t believe her luck,
first Guy and now, Chef Hare. Grace hoped her luck won’t change before the
wedding day.
    Guy paid a mini-cab driver a large sum of
money to get him back to Worthington Hall. Guy knew it was late and he prayed
Grace was interested in seeing him. He didn’t mind heading back. After all Guy
didn’t want to witness his half-brother screw up the rest of his life.
mini-cab pulled in front of the cottage. Guy thanked him for the ride. The
driver asked for a picture with Guy and Guy happily took one. He even
autographed the driver’s iPhone as a keepsake. Guy exited the cab. Guy waved at
the driver before knocking on the cottage door.
looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand. It’s midnight. Grace heard the knock as she was retiring to bed.
She’d given up hope that Guy was coming to see her. Grace grabbed her robe and
went to open the door.
smiled at the sight of Guy. His sooty hair ruffled and his cocoa eyes glinted
with mischief. The two top buttons of his shirt open and wide smile on his face
showed Grace, Guy’s glad to see me .
    Aptly Grace was
pleased to see him. She opened the door further allowing him to step in. Guy
noticed that the terry cloth robe Grace was wearing hugged her curves tightly.
It hid Grace’s sweet curves and the hint of little

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