Demon Girl (Keeley Thomson Book One)

Demon Girl (Keeley Thomson Book One) by P.S. Power

Book: Demon Girl (Keeley Thomson Book One) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Power
Tags: Fantasy
   Darla shook her head seriously.
   “We don't do that. That's all just more propaganda and lies from the religions. I'll explain that too. I promise...”
   Just then Hally's door opened and the girl popped her head out.
   “Darla... Can I sleep in your room?”
   The overly good looking blond girl nodded gently and turned to her.
   “Of course, go on in, I'll be right there.”
   Turning she gave Keeley a hopeful look, almost imploring. Keeley shrugged and waited for Hally to get into the bedroom before whispering her answer.
   “Fine. But I swear, if you try to drink my soul I'm telling everyone at school that you have VD and tried to French kiss me in my sleep.”
   It wasn't much of a threat, but it got a laugh from the demon.
   “Deal.” She said, sounding suddenly a lot more serious.
   “Deal.” Keeley responded, feeling as if something important had happened with the word. As if it meant something that they'd both agreed to the bargain.
   Then, looking over her shoulder winningly, the other girl escaped back into her bedroom to comfort the red-head that had every reason to be scared. For a bit Keeley wondered if she should be worried about the girl, Hally, being alone with Darla, but then decided that the facts didn't line up to the demon being harmful at all. Not yet at least. The other girls seemed fine so far and they'd been around her for over a month already.
   If she wanted to do something to them, she probably would have already.
   Instead she got herself into the comfortable bed, with the lights off and waited, finally drifting off to sleep after another hour or two. If something was coming for her, it would, but that didn't seem likely. If she'd been trapped in a jar for a hundred years she would have run away as fast as possible once out. There was no reason for those other creatures to do any less. If nothing else they'd get some help and come back to attack later. Darla had already kicked their booties once. It would just be sensible to make sure you won the rematch.
   Nothing happened while she slept, not even weird dreams, which should have taken place, given how odd the whole thing was. Or, she supposed, if her soul was being sucked out or whatever. Then Keeley didn't really dream much, not that she remembered. She got up as soon as noise started coming from the other rooms, the sound of showers and water moving, doors opening and closing. It took Keeley about fifteen minutes to go from asleep to showered, dressed in fresh clothing and ready for the day. As ready as she could be having to face what might either be a real demon or clinical insanity. Of course one didn't preclude the other exactly, did it?
   At least she was ready, if she didn't need a squirt gun filled with holy water or something. If that was the case she was just screwed, because she didn't even have a cross with her. Not that those would actually do anything. Darla definitely didn't seem worried about the one the fake monk-ghost had the night before. In the light the events of the day before seemed remote, strange and like they were a dream or story. Only they weren't. She knew that. Reality was what it was after all. No matter how strange. Again, with the simple exception of being nuts. Only she didn't think that was the case, not really.
   Keeley met the others in the living room about twenty minutes later, all of them having done decent make up jobs and enough primping and spiffing to pick up just about any guy at school. Keeley hadn't bothered. She rarely did. It wasn't that she didn't want to fit in, but wearing makeup was an invitation for people to approach you. Since she generally tried to avoid that, not wanting to touch anyone overly, that meant dressing down instead of up most of the time. Darla noticed all of this with a raised eyebrow. It was clear she didn't think much of the lack on her.
   “Ready then?” She asked archly.
   “Yep.” Keeley said,

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