Devil May Care (A Jonathan Harker Mystery)

Devil May Care (A Jonathan Harker Mystery) by Tony Evans

Book: Devil May Care (A Jonathan Harker Mystery) by Tony Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Evans
message, then Charles and I will rouse our neighbours and form a search party.’
    Edith and Charles reluctantly agreed with my proposal. By half past ten Mina had still not returned and Charles was insisting that we start our search when we heard a knock on the door. Charles introduced our visitor as Reuben Norris, an elderly working man who lived in a small cottage which lay on the road between us and Miss Copthorne.
    ‘Beggin’ your pardon, sir,’ he said to Charles. ‘Polly – my wife – sent me round, told me to tell you she saw the lady that’s staying with you, Mrs Harker. Thought you ought to know, like.’
    Reuben stood twisting his cap in his hands. I stepped forward and spoke to him.
    ‘Go on, man! Where is she? She’s not been home all evening.’
    ‘It was about eight o’clock. Polly was coming back from Gwithian and saw a carriage pass by. She got a quick glance in the back – she said she knew it was Mrs Harker on account of her fine fair hair and pretty face. There was a man in the back with her that the missus recognised. That’s why she thought I should tell you. I’ve only jest got home myself – been to see our daughter and grandson in St Ives – or I’d have come over sooner.’
    ‘And who was the man?’
    ‘It were Sir Owen Velland, sir. My wife was sure of it.’
    I stood very still, shocked by Reuben’s news. I could not help thinking that it would have been better if Mina had never accompanied me to Cornwall.
    ‘It was most kind of us to let us know, Mr Norris,’ I said. ‘When you get home thank your wife on my behalf. I will ask Mrs Heather to lend you a lantern to help guide you home.’
    ‘Should we send for the police?’ Edith asked.
    Charles shook his head. ‘The nearest officer is in St Ives. By the time Sergeant Penworthy is able to arrive, it could be too late.’
    ‘I agree,’ I said. ‘Charles, if you are willing, I suggest we both leave for Carrick Manor immediately and demand to see the baronet. Edith of course must stay here with the children. Something is very wrong and although I have every confidence in Mrs Heather, I would be happier if their mother was with them tonight.’
    Five minutes later Charles and I were riding out to Carrick Manor. I was mounted on Willow, who seemed eager for a ride after spending the day in the stables, and Charles took his own horse, Nat.
    We were about to turn onto the track leading to Sir Owen’s residence when Charles reined in his horse.
    ‘The words you overheard last night,’ he said. ‘Something about “transference”. Can you repeat them?’
    I thought for a moment. ‘I think so. Yes – the transference must proceed as planned , that was it. I could make no sense of it.’
    ‘Nor could I when you mentioned it earlier today. Then a moment ago I thought back to the markings you saw in your dream on Tuesday night – the Seal of Lucifer, a device often used in order to offer a soul to the Devil in return for immortality – or at any rate a much prolonged existence. In the ceremony conducted for that purpose the life essence of the person sacrificed is transferred to the magician, or one of the magician’s followers.’
    I was suddenly struck by the full import of what Charles was suggesting. ‘My G-d!’ I cried. ‘Let us ride to Carrick Manor. I pray that we are not too late. If any harm has come to Mina, I swear I will not wait for the police to act. I will see to it that Sir Owen receives justice without the need for a trial.’
    We rode as fast as we dared – fortunately the sky was clear and there was some moonlight to guide us, so it was not many minutes later before we reached the open, windswept headland of Godrevy Point. When we arrived at Carrick Manor no light could be seen escaping from the window shutters, nor any other sign of occupation, but that did not dent my resolution. If Mina was being held captive in the house, the occupants would hardly wish to advertise their presence.
    Charles and

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