Devil's Fall: Dust Bowl Devils MC
his fists and listening for sirens.
    "I can't stay here," she said, rushing inside and grabbing her bag without even turning the lights on. He hung back in the doorway. "I know it's a lot to ask, but can you give me a ride somewhere else?" She stood in the center of the dim room, bag dangling from one hand, purse in the other. That damn haircut looked like a deliberate disguise and had been a utter waste. He cursed himself for making her do it.
    "It isn't safe here for me, anymore," she said.
    "Yes it is," he said, finally shutting the door. The late afternoon sun only barely lit the room, just a thin slice of it pouring through the curtains. "Nothing will touch you if I'm here."
    He'd failed everyone else in his life so far. But he wasn't going to let her down. The thought of doing so only exacerbated the grief that was clawing at his chest.
    "What's wrong?" she asked, her eyes searching his face. He shook his head. She dropped both bags and came to him, reaching out and cupping his jaw with both hands. Her thumbs brushed the stubble there while she tried to read his eyes and he struggled to look away. "Something happened while you were away." He wrapped his hands around her wrists, intending to push her off. "Shh," she whispered, "It's okay." Then she lifted onto her toes and pulled his face to hers.
    It was the same effect as the last time - an electric current of heat and passion burned through him as their lips met. I am in such deep shit .
    Time froze. The world outside the room evaporated into the ether. It was like he was drugged; his mind felt foggy. All he could focus on was the perfection of her lips, how incredible they felt against his.
    When her hand snaked down and pressed his growing erection through his pants, it was all he could do to not throw her to the ground and take her right away. Whatever mad spell he was under, she was feeling it, too.
    A shudder ran through him and he broke their kiss. "You trying to kill me, woman?"
    "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," she said, stepping away, but he was on her again in a moment, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth as he walked her back towards the bed. He would have grinned if his mouth wasn't so busy. She wants it . They fell together and he nestled between her legs with a growl. So goddamn perfect . It was as if the space were built for him.
    His cock pulsed and grew even harder as he looked down at her and ground his hips into her, making her gasp - he wanted obliterate the fabric barriers between then and to bury himself inside her, ravage her, fuck her until she screamed his name. He unbuttoned her shorts.
    "Gunner, I'm serious." He lifted himself higher over her and looked down. She sure as hell didn't look like a woman who wanted to wait, with her flushed cheeks and heaving chest.
    "I meant it, it isn't safe here. He had the key to the room."
    Images flashed through his mind, each one worst than the last. The things that piece of shit could have done... "I should have ripped his head off."
    "I just need to get to a different motel. Or you can let me catch my bus out of here…"
    He wasn’t listening. "Fuck it." He tore the shorts away from her body and let them go flying across the room. "If he shoots me in the back of the head, at least I'll go fast and happy." He had to make her come again, consequences be damned. He didn't know where this overwhelming desire was coming from, but it could not, would not be denied.
    "And if he shoots me?" she whispered.
    "Then you'll go with my tongue inside you, baby."
    "Coming and going," she said with a light laugh.
    The sound made him impossibly harder.

    Making jokes wasn't her style but it had just popped out. She blamed his mouth and the devastating things it did to her. She felt giddy; high, almost.
    And now he was kneeling between her legs, sliding her panties down with that starving glint in his eye.
    "I'll make it quick," he said, squeezing her knee with a wicked grin,

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