Just Another Sucker

Just Another Sucker by James Hadley Chase

Book: Just Another Sucker by James Hadley Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Hadley Chase
until Thursday.’
    ‘Would you like to settle for this week?’
    ‘I’ll settle tomorrow. I’ve left my wallet at home.’
    ‘That’s okay, Mr. Barber – tomorrow’s fine.’
    I stared out at the grey, heavy sky.
    ‘Looks like rain. I guess I’ll have a swim before it starts.’
    Holden said he thought it would hold off until later, but he was wrong. I had just come in from the swim when the rain started.
    I settled down in the cabin with a paper-back. The beach was now deserted. That suited me. I hoped the rain would go on all day.
    Around one o’clock, I went over to the restaurant which was empty and ate a hamburger and drank a beer, then I returned to the cabin. As I pushed open the door, the telephone bell rang.
    It was Rhea on the line.
    ‘Is everything arranged?’ she asked. There was an anxious note in her voice.
    ‘On my side, it’s arranged,’ I said. ‘I’m ready to go. Everything now depends on Odette.’
    ‘You can depend on her.’
    ‘Well, fine. Then at eight-forty-five, I’ll start things moving.’
    ‘I’ll telephone you tomorrow at eleven o’clock.’
    ‘I want some money,’ I said. ‘I have to pay for the rent of this cabin. Maybe it would be better if you came down here tomorrow morning. I’ll be here.’
    ‘I’ll do that,’ she said and hung up.
    I remained in the cabin for the rest of the day. The rain beat down on the roof. The sea turned slate grey. I tried to concentrate on the paper-back, but it was impossible.
    Finally, I got up and prowled up and down and smoked endless cigarettes, watching the time and waiting, waiting and waiting.
    When at last the hands of my wrist watch showed eight-thirty, I left the cabin and ran across the wet sand to the Packard. It was still raining, but more lightly. I drove to a drug store in the main street of Palm City. By the time I had parked and had walked through the drizzle to the drug store, it was close on eight-forty-five.
    I called Malroux’s residence.

    Almost immediately the call was answered.
    ‘Mr. Malroux’s residence,’ an English voice announced. ‘Who is this, please?’
    ‘I want Miss Malroux,’ I said. ‘This is Jerry Williams.’
    ‘Will you hold the line, Mr. Williams? I’ll see if Miss Malroux is available.’
    I held the line, aware that I was breathing over-fast.
    There was a longish delay, then Odette’s voice said brightly, ‘Hello?’
    ‘Is anyone listening?’
    ‘No. It’s all right. Hello, Harry.’ There was a caress in her voice. ‘You’re the only man who has ever dared to hit me. You are quite a character.’
    ‘I know. Watch it I don’t hit you again. You know what to do? I’ll be at the Pirates’ Cabin in twenty minutes. The Packard will be parked on the far right-hand side of the parking lot. The dress will be on the back seat. You haven’t forgotten any of the details?’
    ‘I haven’t forgotten.’
    ‘Then get moving. I’ll be waiting for you,’ and I hung up.
    It took me a quarter of an hour, driving fast to reach the Pirates’ Cabin. The parking lot was pretty full, but I managed to park the Packard where I had told her it would be. There was no parking attendant and that suited me. Someone was playing a squeeze-box and singing. I could see through the windows that the bar was crowded.
    I sat in the Packard and waited. I was pretty tense. Every car that came into the park made me stiffen.
    At twenty-five minutes after nine, I saw a white T.R.3 slide through the gates and park within twenty yards of my car.
    Odette climbed out. She was wearing a white plastic mack over a scarlet dress. She paused beside the T.R.3 and looked in my direction.
    I leaned out of the Packard and waved to her. The thin drizzle of rain was now becoming heavier. She waved back, and then walked quickly to the restaurant and entered the bar.
    I got out of the Packard and crossed over to her car. There was a suitcase lying on the passenger’s seat. I looked to right and left, satisfied myself no one

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