Divided Worlds Trilogy 01 - Disconnect
empathise with your grief. If you continue to converse with Rosa Kade, then be prepared to desert the feelings you harbour.”
    Zachary’s pounding heart battered inside him. He recalled his worthless life. Getting up. Scavenging. Handing in treasure. Cooking. Sleeping. If he’d never found that Intercom, he wouldn’t have experienced the perfection she’d thrust into his imperfect world. Eyes closed, he tried to think back to before he found the wired box.
    He couldn’t.
    Rosa’s face whooshed back as if she’d always been there.
    “But what if –”
    Patch interrupted, “There is no ‘if’. It can never work.”
    “That’s what people say about everything.”
    “Rosa Kade is your first. There will be more.”
    “Give up on her, you mean?” demanded Zachary.
    “Give up on something too risky to have.”
    Something big clunked outside followed by thuds and a squeal. Zachary ran to the door, unlocking it even though shrieking increased.
    Paper flapped onto his face. Taking it, he blinked at the thousands of sheets scattering down from the ceiling. Since when did a drop point exist above Shantytown?
    “We’re going,” roared a middle-aged man at another in the opposite lane. A stove crashed between them from a home above.
    “Look what you’ve done,” shouted someone high up.
    Zachary shut the door. Next to the lantern, he read the sheet.
    Districts One to Four to be evacuated. This warning must not be ignored. Vacate immediately.
    “Trouble?” asked Patch.
    The droid took the paper Zach handed to him. “Where did this come from?”
    “Overworlders are using the drop points to launch these. That’s from the second batch. The first one was less aggressive.”
    Patch beeped. “You must inform Marcus Connor.”
    Zachary smirked. “You believe in this? Dad already knows.”
    “This is not a scheme to be ignored. This has happened before.”
    “I know. Nine years ago, but nothing came of it.” Zachary surveyed the area of the droid’s head that made loud grinding whirs. “What’s wrong?”
    “No – it has happened before.” Patch heaved a crackling cough. “Scouring-SH3Ys. Welders-HN4Zs. MM-Conduit-Relayers. Haulage-404s. All droids received a destabilising command when our use was spent.” A deep human voice omitted from his open mouth. “Haulage-404s will be decommissioned. This command must not be ignored. Prepare for functional-destruction.”
    Patch released the sheet of paper. “Droids dropped like nails.”
    Zachary stepped back. “They wouldn’t do that to us.”
    “Wouldn’t they?” Patch’s eye glowed. “In the dark of Underworld, who would see what happens?”

Chapter 11 - The Trick
    Zachary watched his dad slurp from a bowl of mashed potato. Nothing had been mentioned about the latest batch of sheets dropped the previous night.
    Marcus lifted up a pair of scratched, steel-clad boots. He’d borrowed them from Horatio who lived on the uppermost fifth floor of their tower. Dismissed from the Far-Wallers because of the spasms in his arms, Horatio now led a dormant lifestyle doing little but watch Shantytown.
    “I don’t need these anymore. Take them back before you leave.” Marcus kicked out one leg, revealing a thick boot with blackened metal coverings. “Reinforced titanium wall-hoggers.”
    It was bizarre to Zachary that his dad had used the spend-with-caution Gallis on footwear. With the threat of departure from the Districts, shouldn’t their money be hoarded?
    Marcus gazed at him. “Is everything fine with you?”
    Zachary’s brow creased. He glimpsed at the still posture of the Haulage-404 droid. What could his dad be referring to?
    “Yeah, I’m fine.”
    “Is there something you want to tell me?”
    Keeping his balance steady, Zachary shoved his hands into his pockets. He felt the smooth curve of the Raptor’s side. “What do you mean?”
    “You’re quieter.” Marcus left the table. “Is something bothering you?”
    Zachary frowned, blowing air.

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