Divided Worlds Trilogy 01 - Disconnect
care for the annoying drip inside the sewer pipe. “Why’d you choose the word ‘fail’?”
    Rosa pulled the strap of her tank top. “Do you get on with your father? Can you sit and talk to him about anything? Do you feel,” she sighed, “like there’s a reason for existing? For being alive?”
    “Only when he hasn’t had a bad day at work.”
    “My parents don’t have a reason for not talking to me. It’s simply that Mother is withdrawn, and Father spends all his time in the study. When I was younger, I used to think it was my fault, that, maybe, I did something wrong once, or that they never wanted me. They must have had the perfect lifestyle, until I came along.” She clicked her fingers. “Rosario Emily Kade. Daughter of the Kade household with no goal except to annoy her parents.”
    A distant voice from her side spoke, “Mister and Missus Kade are here.”
    “My parents are home,” whined Rosa. “I’ve got to go.”
    Zachary moved right, following her roll. “When will I hear from you?”
    “Tomorrow, give or take a shortage.” She inhaled, drawing her head to her chest. “I’ve never been able to use these Raptors to call anyone except my own number. And now I have you. You’d better save the battery usage. Push your thumb onto the pad three times, then pick the Power Off choice. I’ll call you tomorrow at about this time so don’t switch the Raptor on until then. It works the same way, push your thumb in.” Rosa licked her upper lip. “You know what this makes us now? We’re officially friends.”
    “Rosa,” said Alice.
    “Speak soon. Bye.” Her blue image dropped back into the Intercom.
    “Bye,” mouthed Zachary, sliding his head along the pipe.
    He’d made a new friend. But, it didn’t feel enough. Scavengers never admired things from afar. They’d stand on the edge of risk to reach a wanted prize. He wanted to see her again, and not just with the Intercom.
    Zachary stared at the ceiling.

Chapter 10 - Decisions
    Zachary concentrated on the sparks flowing within Patch’s chest. Vibrant currents glittered across the droid’s eye. Sitting on the floor, Zachary peeked between his fingers. The Intercom in his pocket felt heavy.
    Hollowed emptiness had filled the remainder of his day. It didn’t matter that Diego and he had uncovered a half-depleted battery component worth six Leo-coins.
    Rosa had done something unexpected; she’d changed him.
    Scouring the Wastelands didn’t excite Zachary anymore. It troubled him and that felt wrong. If he couldn’t rummage through slimy sewers then what was the point? Give up and mope about until Rosa called? It had to stop; he had to take control of his thoughts.
    Zachary’s fingernails dug onto his palm. “I’m confused.”
    “Have you conversed with Rosa Kade, again?” Even without flesh, Patch shared the patronising nature of his dad.
    “She calls me, not the other way around. I couldn’t call her even if I wanted to.”
    Zachary scratched his brow. The short conversations had become an addiction. Denying that he wanted to call Rosa was a blatant lie. He’d lost count of the abandoned lanes that he could have snuck into and made a call to her. But who would answer? Her mother? Her bot?
    “Her logic for doing so makes sense,” said Patch. “Her diary entry indicated a lonesome girl seeking attention.”
    “You don’t know that, and you’re making an assumption.”
    “Is my logic flawed?”
    “You’ve only heard her. I’ve listened to her.”
    “And that makes you know her? You are making the same assumptions about her as I am, therefore neither of us is illogical or correct.”
    Zachary flicked a piece of bitten-off fingernail into the air. “She doesn’t have anyone her own age to talk to. Her parents don’t let her out. Something to do with her dad, but, she’s got me now, and it makes her happy.”
    “Are you happy? I recall your haste in hacking the initial Intercom. It has not lessened. I see the same

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