Dory's Avengers

Dory's Avengers by Alison Jack

Book: Dory's Avengers by Alison Jack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Jack
for years. Until now.’
    â€˜No one exactly knows what happened to Theodore, but you can safely assume that it's not something good.’
    â€˜I think he's a prisoner,’ said Louis, sitting cross-legged at Gideon's feet and debating in his mind how much to reveal to his mentor. Louis was actually in no doubt that Theo was a prisoner, Theo having given his friend a few more glimpses of his awful life, including one in which he was chained to the bed.
    â€˜I don't suppose it's any use telling you not to go looking for Theodore, is it, Louis?’ said Gideon eventually.
    â€˜None whatsoever. Theo has appealed to me to help him; I'm not about to let him down.’
    Once again, Gideon was silent for a long time, before saying, ‘Very well then. As your mind is made up, I will do what I can to help you. Firstly, you need to know what you're up against. You're dealing with a man in William St Benedict who, it would seem, will even imprison his own son in a bid to secure his aims.’
    â€˜Do you think it's Lord William who's imprisoned Theo then?’ asked Louis incredulously.
    â€˜I have no doubt about it, Louis,’ replied Gideon. ‘Make sure the door's locked and I'll tell you all about my experience of the St Benedict Sponsorship Scheme.’
    Once he had returned from a short tour of the studio, making sure that all the doors and windows were securely closed and locked, Louis returned to his cross-legged position at Gideon's feet, and Gideon began.
    â€˜When the Sponsorship Scheme first took off a few years before you were born it seemed to everyone to be a fineidea. It appeared that it would be beneficial to everyone, from families struggling to make ends meet to businesses looking for guaranteed custom and quality workers. St Benedict and his cronies brought the two together, and very quickly had control of just about everything in this country. On the whole it was very popular to begin with, and by the time people began to realise just how much freedom they'd had to sacrifice to St Benedict it was too late.’
    â€˜What sort of freedom did they sacrifice?’ asked Louis, intent on every word Gideon spoke.
    â€˜Where they could live, where they could work. You've seen what's happened to Jane and Bob Radcliffe; the decision to move wasn't theirs, it was their Sponsors’. Then there's leisure time. Want to join a gym? It must be Sponsor-endorsed so that the Sponsors can take a keen interest in your fitness regime. If you slack, if you don't stick to the programme, the Sponsors pay a visit and put you back on track.’
    â€˜How?’ asked Louis.
    â€˜Persuasion they call it, but it's intimidation by any other name. Then, if that doesn't work, strange things start to happen. A car gets vandalised, a family member gets a beating, a beloved pet goes missing.’
    â€˜What, just for not getting fit enough?’
    â€˜Not just that, Louis. It applies to anything people do if their behaviour doesn't conform to Sponsorship standards. No one can enjoy a few drinks, or a bit of a gamble, or greasy food without expecting a visit from the Sponsors’ heavies. Every aspect of life is open for scrutiny by the Sponsors, and action is taken if standards fall.’
    â€˜Why don't people complain?’
    â€˜To whom? The government lent their full backing to the Sponsors’ proposals right at the start of the Scheme, and now the Scheme is so powerful that not one of the political parties will dare ask questions. The police are Sponsor-endorsed,as are the newspapers. If people grumble amongst themselves, bad things happen. Really bad things.’
    â€˜Like what?’ asked Louis, his light-blue eyes nearly popping out of his head.
    â€˜People disappear. Their family, friends and neighbours are told they've been moved for work, but no one ever hears from them again.’
    â€˜Don't people ask questions, though?’
    â€˜Not if they know what's good for

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