Double Tap

Double Tap by Lani Lynn Vale

Book: Double Tap by Lani Lynn Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lani Lynn Vale
mine, I lost all sense of self.
    All that was left was him and my infatuation with him.
    He tasted just as good as he had all those years ago. The day before my life changed forever.
    When his mouth finally disengaged from mine, I was gasping and panting. My chest heaved in excitement, and I must’ve looked rough because he looked exceptionally pleased with himself.
    “I’m tired,” he said roughly.
    I blinked. “Tired of what?”
    His hand went down the length of my leg, then back up.
    When his hands met the waistband of my pants, instead of going over it, he went under it, tunneling down.
    My synapses started to fire rapidly.
    His fingers felt like fire as they found their way down between my legs, coming to a rest at the edge of my panties.
    His brown eyes looked molten as he stared into my eyes.
    When he raised his eyes in question, I knew this was about to change our lives.
    I knew the consequences.
    I knew what could happen.
    And I wanted every single fucking thing he could give me.
    Every one of them.
    I wanted him.
    I wanted him as my husband.
    I wanted him as the father of my children.
    We’d been denying it too long.
    We’d been together since the night he nearly took my virginity.
    We’d waited only because we wanted to be married first.
    Then that had happened, that one single horrible fucking night.
    He waited for me to finish. To make sure my family was okay before he pursued me.
    Given me the time I needed.
    Now, though, that time was up, and he was letting me know it.
    He was giving me the choice now, whether to take this to where we both knew it’d lead.
    A place that promised me everything.
    In answer, I slipped my hands down to my pants and started tugging them off.

Chapter 8
    Lips, tits, and ass.
    -Nico’s favorite features
    She slipped the button of her pants through the hole, and I watched in fascination as she started slipping them off her legs.
    Her smooth, creamy thighs were the first things to draw my attention. Followed quickly by the blonde triangle of hair covering her sweet pussy.
    My breathing sped up, and my eyes became transfixed with her movements as she slowly worked her pants off and kicked them free of her feet.
    She gasped when my hands went to her shirt and helped it up and over her head.
    When I went to remove the thin camisole she was using as a bra, she stayed my hands.
    I let her have that play, but only for this first time.
    I would be seeing all of her body, whether she wanted me to or not.
    I reached my hand out, ready to run it over her beautiful skin, then the windshield in front of me splintered with a god-awful, ear shattering crack.
    My hand was in Georgia’s hair without me even realizing it.
    I pushed her down until her entire body was in the passenger side floorboard, all the while keeping my head down and covered, too.
    I wouldn’t do much good with my head blown to pieces.
    Georgia was whimpering in the floorboard. H er eyes were stained with tears, but she stayed where she was put.
    Then I saw the glaze that was in her eyes, and I knew it was much more than fear. She was reliving something horrible.
    However, I didn’t have time to deal with that right this second. I had to deal with the here and now.
    Grabbing my radio, I called into dispatch as I started the truck and pressed the gas pedal with my hand, barely looking over the glass.
    “Dispatch,” I growled as I did ten things at once. “This is Officer Nicolas Pena. I’m at 41222 US Highway 42 South. I’ve got…” more bullets pieced the night air and started pinging the tailgate of my truck as I turned around.
    I was barely looking up over the edge of the dash, but I knew exactly where I was going.
    I knew this land better than anyone. All I had to do was get past the front post and I’d be able to get lost in the woods behind my house.
    Which I accomplished moments later.
    The windshield was cracked like a spider web, corrupting nearly the entire field of view.
    However, I took care of

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