Double Trouble

Double Trouble by Steve Elliott

Book: Double Trouble by Steve Elliott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Elliott
if you can.”
    She obeyed and blinked her eyes open. They were bloodshot and irritated, but I couldn’t see any actual physical damage. “Can you see me?” I asked.
    She blinked rapidly a number of times and answered, “Yes, although you’re a bit blurry.”
    “Thank heavens ,” I said, gratefully. “You had us worried there, for a minute.”
    “What happened ?” she asked.
    “The tin exploded,” supplied Maureen. “But why ?”
    “It was booby trapped,” Stephanie said with a frown. “Our admirer has taken things to a new and nasty level.”
    “It doesn’t add up,” I argued. “Why would someone who professed to love one of us, want to turn around and try to hurt the one he loved? I just can’t fathom the reasoning.”
    “I’m not so sure he wanted to hurt us, as such,” Stephanie said, thoughtfully. “I recognise the gas that came out of that tin by its smell. It’s ammonium carbonate.”
    “And what would that be in simple language, for us uneducated types?” I asked.
    “ Smelling salts,” she replied. “Pungent, but harmless.”
    “So, it was more of a practical joke,” Maureen enquired. “If so, it wasn’t very funny .”
    “That explosion could have been designed to really injure ,” Stephanie told us, “if our admirer had so desired, so he isn’t malicious. Stupid, maybe, but not out to injure anyone.”
    “ Jan might disagree,” I murmured.
    Once the gas had dissipated from the kitchen, we ventured cautiously back inside for another look at the tin. Maureen poked it gingerly with a knife, but nothing untoward occurred. Inside we found the customary note, wrapped in plastic. Stephanie removed it from its plastic coating and read it out to us.
    Sorry, but I am becoming frustrated. I have you so near but am unable to touch. Look back to ancient times and popularity that never dies. Terror and love united. Calcification turns to stone and lives again for all to see. The fourth semicircle of the end one is what you seek. This is the second last step.
    Your loving admirer.
    “ Another bizarre rant from our favourite psycho,” grunted Janice in disgust. “Let’s just throw this rubbish in the bin and have done with it.”
    “No,” disagreed Stephanie. “That would be just what he wants. He’s daring us to find the notes.”
    “But what’s at the end of it all?” Maureen wanted to know. “What are we going to find ?”
    “That’s the question , isn’t it?” said Stephanie thoughtfully. “It could be anything at all. For me, I’d like to keep going out of sheer curiosity. Anyone else want to come along for the ride?”
    “I will,” I declared. “I’m curious too.”
    “In that case, count me in,” Maureen added.
    “What about you , Jan?” asked Stephanie.
    “This is sheer baloney,” Janice insisted. “I can’t believe you’re even considering it, but what the hell, I suppose I’ll be in it too.”
    “Wonderful!” Stephanie conceded. ‘We’re all together. Shall we ponder the note , or take a break and listen to the new pronouncements of Queen Maureen?”
    “The note may take a bit of interpretation,” I said, “so how about we perform our slave duties and think about the note as we go. We’ll meet after our tasks and discuss its meaning then. Some ideas may have formed in the meantime.”
    “I second that motion,” Stephanie agreed. “Any abstentions? No? Very well, I declare this session over. Maureen, what are your regal wishes?”
    “Let me see,” Maureen pondered, scratching her head. “Okay, how about this? Stephanie has to cook a five star dinner tonight for us all; Jan can do the ironing and cleaning and Kim can…..can, uh ….what? Wait, I have it. Kim can be my valet for the rest of the day.”
    “Valet?” I asked in bewilderment. “What’s a valet supposed to do?”
    “Well, they, umm , choose my clothes and help me get dressed and stuff like that,” Maureen answered, flushing slightly.
    “A wise choice,”

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