Dream Trilogy

Dream Trilogy by Nora Roberts

Book: Dream Trilogy by Nora Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Roberts
    He’d gotten a tan somewhere, she noted as she pivoted and started back across the length of the pool. Just a nice warm hint of color that added another dash of appeal to what was already a sinfully handsome face.
    As one who accepted that she’d lucked out in the gene pool, she didn’t set much store by simple good looks. It was, after all, just a matter of fate.
    Joshua Templeton’s fate had been superior.
    His hair was shades darker than his sister’s. Tawny, Margo imagined was the term. He’d let it grow a bit since the last time they’d run into each other. What was that—three months before in Venice? It flirted with his collar now, the collar of a casual chocolate silk shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
    He had, she recalled, a good, expressive mouth. It could smile charmingly, sneer with infuriating style, and worse, curve in a smile so cold it froze the blood.
    The jaw was firm, and thankfully without the beard he’dsported briefly in his twenties. The nose was straight and faintly aristocratic. Over it all was an aura of success, confidence, and arrogance, all shimmering together with a glint of latent danger.
    She hated to admit that there had been a time during her adolescence when she’d been both allured by and frightened of that aura.
    She was sure of one thing. He was the last person she would allow to see how badly she was now frightened by the present, and the future. Deliberately she stood in the shallow end. Water slid off her body as she slowly walked to the steps. She was freezing now and would have turned into a chunk of bluing ice before she would have admitted it.
    As if she’d just become aware she wasn’t alone, she lifted a brow and smiled. Her voice was low, throaty, and just shy of hot. “Well, Josh, the world’s much too small.”
    She was wearing a couple of stingy scraps of sapphire spandex. Her curves were lush, sleek, with skin as smooth as polished marble with the sheen of fine silk. Most men, she knew, took one look at what God had given her and shot straight into fantasy mode.
    Josh merely tipped down his Wayfarers and studied her over their top. He noted that she’d lost weight, that that glorious skin of hers was prickled with gooseflesh. In a brotherly fashion he tossed her a towel.
    “Your teeth are going to chatter in a minute.”
    Annoyed, she swung the towel around her neck, fisted her hands. “It’s invigorating. Where did you drop in from?”
    “Portofino, by way of London.”
    “Portofino. One of my favorite spots, even if the Templetons don’t have a hotel there. Did you stay at the Splendido?”
    “Where else?” If she was going to be idiotic enough to stand there and freeze, he’d let her. He crossed his ankles, leaned back.
    “The corner suite,” she said, remembering. “Where you stand on the terrace and see the bay, the hills, the gardens.”
    That had been his intention. A couple of days to wind down, to do a little sailing. But he’d been too busy negotiating via phone and fax with the police and politicians in Greece to enjoy the view.
    “How did you find Athens?”
    He was nearly sorry when he noted her eyes flicker, but her recovery was quick. “Oh, not as accommodating as usual. A little misunderstanding. That’s all taken care of. It was annoying, though, having my cruise disrupted.”
    “I’m sure it was,” he murmured. “So inconsiderate of the authorities, too. All that inconvenience over a few pesky kilos of heroin.”
    She smiled easily. “My thoughts exactly.” Negligently, she reached out for the robe she’d slung over the back of a chair. Not even pride was going to hold off the shivering much longer. “I can use the time off, though, a little break from the routine. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to squeeze out any real time to visit with Laura and Kate, and the girls.” She belted the robe and nearly sighed with relief. “And you, of course, Josh.” Knowing it irritated him, she bent

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