Duffle Bag Bitches

Duffle Bag Bitches by Alicia Howard Page B

Book: Duffle Bag Bitches by Alicia Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Howard
Tags: Novels
and thought she would pass the fuck out. Each wall was made of money that was held in place by glass. She had never seen any shit like this in her life so she couldn’t even find words. He knew that her mind was blown for real. “So, what were you saying about getting comfortable?” He asked.
    “I was just saying this isn’t my life so I should go.” She was getting light headed being surrounded by so much fucking money.
    “You can be comfortable here or wherever you like shorty.” He was dead ass serious.
    “You don’t even know me like that.” She tried to ignore what he was saying.
    “You don’t know me either but you’ve been here for two days. If I wanted to kill you I could have, and your people wouldn’t have known where you were.” He schooled her ass real fast.
    “Why you show me all of this shit dude?” Jay was confused as fuck, those racks were about to make her come.
    She started to walk out of the room, but he jumped in front of the door once she was on the other side. “I want you baby, for real, I can give you everything you want and never had.” He was holding her now.
    “Let go, why would you do that for a woman that you don’t even know?” She knew it was time to shake this; it was too much for her.
    “To show you I’m for real about all the shit I am saying, but if you want to go I will let you.” He was begging now.
    “I want to go to bed,” she said.
    “So you want to give this thang a try for real?” He felt like a kid in a candy store.
    “Yeah baby, let’s do it.” She didn’t know what she was going to tell her crew to hold them off this man, but she would have to do something. She wasn’t about to let this meal ticket she had in the palm of her hands go, not this time.
    She thought back long ago when she first got down with her team. A man she loved dearly was moving major weight. He was a great man when it came down to providing for her, but he never fully loved her the way she needed to be loved.   When her crew decided to make him a target she was down with it. The love she had for him is what caused her to be ok with killing him. No matter how much she confessed her love it didn’t move him.
    He would always tell her that words had no meaning, but when he would talk to her about his children and baby’s mother she realized where the love she had been seeking was. She always asked that he keep it real with her; he just never did, and even when she was hurting it didn’t seem to matter much to him.   When the time came to take him out she never even hesitated, in her heart he was already dead.
    Now she was with a man that was promising her everything she had been asking for. She wasn’t about to miss out on that, she would face the music when the time came; but for now she would enjoy the moment.
    Three weeks later…….
    Dallas was pissed with the crew because they hadn’t made the move he needed to be made and most of all Jay was M.I.A. Shit was really fucked up. Shannon was in a bad place because the last time she spoke to Jay she was right on track. They didn’t know what was going on with her.   Her number had been changed and no one had heard from or seen her; not even her mother and that wasn’t her style at all.
    Dallas called a group meeting because shit needed to change drastically. Everyone was in attendance at the meeting; Zane, Shannon, Mack, Nisha, Jasmine, and Tone. Tone was waiting in the wings along with Jasmine and Nisha but the call never came and the crew that was out in the field came home. Truth be told, Tone never went out to lay on a muthafucka because he wasn’t built that way.   He wasn’t a ladies man but rather subdued, only coming to life during sex and when it was time to kill. Dallas always kept him in the cut until he was needed.
    Dallas walked around the office warehouse looking dapper as always. He had a meeting with his hoes earlier that day to see where their heads were and if they were still loyal.   These were not

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