Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1)

Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1) by K. Francis Ryan Page A

Book: Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1) by K. Francis Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Francis Ryan
violation of the confessional seal would take place today and Julian knew it never would. Secrets, real secrets, were safe with Father Fahey. Julian felt for the first time in his life he was talking with someone who could be trusted.
    Julian was walking beside an old priest for whom trust was his world. He was no innocent though. Father Fahey knew people. Through his faith, he knew that people were at once frail and strong, dauntless and timid, calculating and innocent. He knew people and he managed with equanimity to love them all.
    Julian asked about the woman who had accused him of giving Jimmy Grogan the knife, but received little information. A widow with a son who came from Dublin was all the priest would say.
    “Tell me about the Hagan,” Julian said and watched as a shiver passed through the priest.
    “She is a witch of course, but then everyone knows that. If they didn’t, the poor woman would be posting a signboard outside her door stating the fact. They say she practices the old religion and has the knowledge and powers that entails.
    “Although Oi’ve never been able to confirm it, Oi believe she comes from one of the ancient families of Ireland. There’ll be no ‘Ach’ and ‘Oi’ coming from one of those. She is frighteningly intelligent and well bred. She does everything in her power to hide it from view, but that kind of mind is impossible to hide – except in a place like this.” The priest raised his eyebrows and smiled.
    “Here there is almost no distance a’tall between a nimble mind and magic. We are funny that way.”
    “She knows things? Has powers?” Julian prompted and his eyes narrowed in concentration. He knew someone else like that. He would not have attached the title witch to Bridget Bragonier though. He would not have associated her with ancient religions either. “The Hagan,” he thought to himself. “She fits the bill to a tee, I just haven’t seen her caldron yet – but Bridget?” Things were falling into place in ways he did not want them to fall at all.
    “Oh, know things she does. Oi wouldn’t go so far as to say she predicts a thing will happen, but at some basic level, she simply knows it will. Oi have watched her from time to time as Oi watch any of my little flock. It isn’t as though she ‘sees’ things either. Oi don’t know what to call it really. The villagers say ’tis the Darna Shealladh. Oi don’t hold with such things meself.”
    “You mean Second Sight,” Julian said and knew instantly he had made another misstep.
    The priest’s face was darkened in deep concentration. “Mr. Blessing, Oi find it passing curious a man like you would know a thing like that.” The priest’s eyes were narrow and penetrating as he looked up into Julian’s face.
    “Oh,” Julian began to back peddle. “I talked to a man once who knew something about it. I’ve probably also seen some mention of it in a book or brochure or something.” Julian held his breath to see how far that explanation would get him. “Note to self – admitting to any knowledge of Second Sight is a distinctly bad idea you eejit. Admitting to knowledge of anything else doesn’t seem to be working well for you either,” Julian thought to himself.
    Sarcasm dripped as Father Fahey said, “Or something, Mr. Blessing? Would that be the best you can do? Oi’ve been after hearin’ confession for more years then you have teeth. You don’t think Oi know when someone like your good self is being economical with the truth? Oi tell you, sor, you will have to improve mightily. Oi know school children that can out-lie you.
    “No matter, that is something we’ll discuss during your confession. Hopefully, you’ll have concocted better lies by then. Still, we were talking about Moira Hagan.
    “When something comes to her she is simply there – so they say. She doesn’t see it happening; she is there while it is happening. Past or future, it seems to make no difference. Often times she comes

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