The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales)

The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson

Book: The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derrolyn Anderson
have a feeling he doesn’t mind too much.”
    I rolled my eyes at him. If Doctor Permala was indeed my enemy, her obvious good looks were clearly a weapon in her arsenal.
    “How long will it be?” he persisted, “My dad’s old room is completely cleared out now, so we can start moving your studio in this weekend. Besides, you shouldn’t get too far behind in your classes.”
    He had me there. I was worried about getting back to school. I hoped my absence hadn’t blown my chance to get into the research lab to have a look around.
    I sighed, “I know. I should get back to school by Monday.”
    Ethan groaned, “I can’t wait four more days!”
    “You’ll be so busy working you won’t have time to miss me.”
    “I’ll never be that busy,” he said, right before he kissed me again.
    I watched him drive away that night, conflicted and confused. If dad hadn’t gone to Afghanistan he’d be his old self, but I’d never have met Ethan. I remembered what Evie said about things happening for a reason, and shivered a little, turning back to go inside.
    I had plans in the morning.

    C hapter S even
    I snuck out of the apartment early the next morning, silently tiptoeing past Dad’s elaborate hospital room and slipping into the parking garage unnoticed. I still had the keys for the Rolls , so I jumped in and drove it to the exit. I found Yuri guarding the gate when I reached it , and I felt in my purse for the Taser while I waited for him to buzz me out. I could see his dark eyes watching me in my rear view mirror as I pulled away, and I shuddered with distaste.
    I drove to a surf shop along a beach on the west side of the city, quickly choosing some new gear and paying cash to the talkative clerk. He asked me where I came from, and wanted to discuss the local wave breaks, but I just nodded politely and rushed out as soon as I could. I drove along the shore, savoring the pungent salty air as the sun burn ed its way through the hanging sea mist.
    I found a good spot to park , in front of a cafe near a short stretch of sandy beach . I sipp ed some coffee and ate breakfast while I kept an eye out for any suspicious people. When I was satisfied that this was as safe a spot as any, I wiggled into my wetsuit a nd grabbed my board. I’ d perfected the art of entering the water at various random points, but never this far north. I was much closer to Nerissa and Nixie’s territory here, and I hoped they ’ d be as easy to summon as Lorelei usually was.
    I tuck ed my key away securely , strolling nonchalantly down the beach. I sat on my board at the waterline, waiting for a smiling couple to pass by. I nodded in return , watching them meander away, throwing driftwood into the surf for a pair of dripping wet Golden Retrievers. It made me wonder if Ethan and I would ever get to the place we saw in our dreams.
    I looked around one last time, careful not to attract any attention on my entry. The se cold waters were notoriously dangerous , and I could easily be mistaken for someone in trouble. The last thing I needed was for some well-intentioned Good Samaritan to call out the coast guard to “rescue” me.
    Satisfied I was alone , I took my board and raced for the water, duck diving into the waves with an overwhelming sense of relief tinged with fear . Every time I paddled out into the swells of the bay it required a leap of faith , because if my sisters failed to hear me, treacherous tides and unpredictable currents could conspire to sweep me out into the merciless sea.
    I swam hard, only having to veer off course once to dodge some windsurfers that seemed to appear from out of nowhere. I turned back to fix the return spot in my memory, making sure to pick out a landmark that would be visible even if the fog rolled in. When the fog rolled in, I reminded myself. This was San Francisco, after all.
    I focused on calling Nerissa and Nixie to me, squeezing my eyes shut and straining with the effort. The

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