Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1)

Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1) by Cege Smith

Book: Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1) by Cege Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cege Smith
mention Linda’s more than comfortable lifestyle may appear rude.
    “I really don’t, but Jeffrey would always come and help out from time to time when Lloyd and I had dinner parties. That seems like so long ago,” Linda said wistfully. “The firm always had some big case that they had just won, or some big client that they had just signed, so there was always reason to celebrate. When we found this house, Lloyd and I were so looking forward to having many celebrations here. How I miss those times.”
    “Well, it sounds like you have a fantastic evening in store for us,” David said at Linda’s elbow.
    Linda’s smile returned immediately. “Oh, I do hope so. You both look divine. I’m so glad that you could come on such short notice. Everyone that has already arrived is here in the library.” Linda stood next to a pair of dark-paneled double doors.
    Ellie could hear soft murmurs behind the heavy wood. As Linda pushed the doors open, Ellie’s mouth dropped open. The room had two levels. Books lined every wall from ceiling to floor on the lower level on two sides, and then a winding metal staircase led to an upstairs level that had a small walkway. On that level books covered all four walls.
    A fireplace crackled in the corner, and two large leather couches sat facing each other over an antique cocktail table. A heavy cherry wood bar took up the entire back wall, and beaded lamps sat on end tables throughout the room, giving it a soft and inviting glow.
    “Linda, this is beautiful,” Ellie said. Ellie loved to read, and she would have loved to have grown up in a house like this where there were so many books to capture her imagination.
    “Do you think so?” Linda said. “It all gets so dusty so fast. I’ll give you the grand tour of the house after dinner. For now I thought it might be nice to visit. Ellie, you know everyone, but let me introduce you, David.”
    Ellie hung back as Linda led David to the cluster of people in the center of the room. The group had a golden glow around it as all of the auras blended together. Everyone was happy and enjoying themselves.
    Kevin and Eric were there, and Ellie gave them a small wave. Both winked at her appreciatively, and confirmed for her that the outfit was worth the investment. Melanie Wilson was also there with her husband, who Ellie had met on the rare occasion when he accompanied her to the coffee shop.
    Herbert Wilson was Melanie’s exact opposite in every way. Where she was flamboyant and loud, he was withdrawn and quiet. She was wearing a blazing orange dress that showed that, despite her age, she still had a figure. Herbert wore a worn brown blazer with patches on the elbows. His glasses looked to be in a permanent state of almost falling off. His bushy white mustache almost completely obscured his small features. Add in the fact that Melanie topped him by three to four inches, and they looked the epitome of the phrase “opposites attract.”
    But for all their differences, Ellie would catch glimpses every now and then when Herbert watched his wife. From what she could see, tonight was no different. Melanie was delighting in being the center of attention, and Herbert’s look of adoration was plain. Ellie watched Melanie’s hand drift to Herbert’s arm and give it a brief squeeze. The affection was not overstated, but the love was clearly there. She hoped to have that kind of relationship someday.
    Ellie watched David shake hands with Melanie, Herbert, and Eric, who all immediately clamored around him asking him ten thousand questions. David briefly glanced in her direction with a look of helplessness on his face, and she could only grin and shrug. She had no doubt that he’d fit right in.
    “Having a good time, Ellie?” The baritone voice was immediately behind her and she jumped. Then she heard a low chuckle.
    Ellie cringed inwardly. She recognized the voice, and it was someone she had hoped wouldn’t be on the invite list. But apparently Randall

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