Embracing Us (Embracing Series)

Embracing Us (Embracing Series) by Delisa Lynn

Book: Embracing Us (Embracing Series) by Delisa Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delisa Lynn
says as he grabs me around my waist and tries pulling me into him.
    “I said don’t fucking touch me . Now I’m leaving, so get out of my way. Now!” I seethe as I walk out of our room and down the hall to the girl’s room. I can feel my tears starting to pour out of my eyes.
    I w ent in kiss my girls and walk out the door. I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going. I get in my car, drive to the grocery store bought three bags of Funyuns and some water. My phone starts ringing, I look down to see Liam’s handsome face, and just ignored it. I pop a Leona Lewis CD in the radio and turn it up full blast, singing the lyrics of “Better in time”
    As I dri ve down Hollywood Boulevard. I make a U-turn, right in the middle of traffic and head to the closest Starbucks. I order two of my favorite drinks plus a tall coffee with extra cream and drive to the cemetery, it has been raining and the ground was wet. Luckily there is a blanket in the back seat. I get all my stuff out left my radio blaring. I walk over and sit next to Ads. The Starbucks cup is still there from last week.
    “Well Ads my friend, I’m a total screw up. I think I may have lost my husband to a stripper. Well , I’m not sure, sweets. I have no clue what I’m doing. Apparently I will ruin the famous Ellis name. Good thing I’m still a Carl’s too. I can’t believe he said that to me. Ads I pray to God this is Liam’s son, if you have any pull up there my friend, can you help us out. I can’t lose him not now and not like this. You know for the first time since I met Evan, I went to sleep last night and didn’t think about him. That’s a step, right?
    “ I brought you a drink, I hope you don’t mind but I may drink it. Do you remember the first time I met Liam? He was so nervous and so broken, and you said to me that day. That boy loves you already. I can’t believe he has loved me all this time. When he was missing, I thought about him all the time. Hell, even when I was screwing Evan, I thought about Liam. When I became his wife it was one of the best days of my life, well other than meeting you and having the girls. I never meant to sleep with Evan this time. I don’t have any excuses it just happened, and I can’t change it. I guess I better go, I know Liam is probably calling the National Guard by now. I left Ads. I don’t know when I’m going back. I just needed to get away. I love you my friend, always and forever.”

    “Ashton, get up now. We have to find Lila. She isn’t answering her phone. I can’t believe I let her leave like that. I’m so damn stupid.”
    “What do you mean? Where is she?” he asks, jumping up out of the bed.
    “I’m not sure, she left , and it’s been almost four hours. I said some pretty hurtful things and I just don’t know man. I’m scared. My mom came and picked the kids up, and I sent AJ with her also, I hope that’s okay?”
    “Of course , he adores Miss Sofia. Come on we will find her. Any clue where she is?”
    “Nope, she packed a bag and left. No one has heard from her. I’ve called her mom, Nikki, and Eric. But none of them know where she is. I can’t file a missing report just yet. I’ve called her a million times and she isn’t answering.”
    “Let’s go , I’ll drive. We will check the gym, mall, and nail salon first. Then check every Chipotle within a twenty mile radius. Can you think of anywhere else she would have gone?”
    “No, let’s look at all those places. Go to the cemetery. That’s where she will be.” I say, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that first. She always goes to Ads for everything. And I didn’t even think about that.
    “She would be at my sister’s grave? Does she go there often?” Ashton asks with a surprised look. I know some people stay away from graveyards but Lila goes any chance she gets. She knows that Ads isn’t there but it helps her, she feels closer to her is she is at her tomb.
    “Yes, she goes

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