Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance

Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance by Kathi S. Barton Page A

Book: Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
way your juices slide down my throat, the way your clit hardens when I touch it, suckle at it. I want to drink from you until I’m satisfied. Which won’t be any time soon.”
    Another step toward him brought her close enough to touch. Jul ran his hand up her leg to her apex. She was wet, and her juices slid over his fingers as he played with her curls. Pulling her gently, she moved closer, close enough that he could lift the shirt enough to see her bounty.
    Turning her so that he could drink from her, he cupped her ass and licked her nether lips. Her moan encouraged him enough to nibble on her before he sucked her clit into his mouth and his tongue into her sheath. With her riding his mouth now, he reached down with his hand and freed his cock. He ached to be inside of her, but he wanted to give her pleasure first. Her hand on his head had him pulling her closer still, and he feasted on her as she rode his mouth.
    Her scream had him fisting his cock. Christ, to be inside of her, fucking her hard and fast. As she rode his mouth, he felt his balls tighten up and he knew that he was going to come. When she stepped back from him, Jul could only stare at her.
    “What do I do?” He had no idea what she was talking about, and when she dropped to the ground beside him and wrapped her hand around his, he leaned back. “I want to taste you. I need to…tell me what to do.”
    “If you put your mouth over my cock, I’m going to come. And hard.” She nodded and leaned down, but he pulled her up before she touched him. “I want to fuck you. I want to be buried deep inside of you and release. Please.”
    Her nod sent him over the edge of reason. Rolling her to the ground, he tore his shirt open and took her breast into his mouth. His need was consuming him, and he fisted his cock to slide into her when she put her hand on his heart.
    “Take me.” He seemed to calm then at her voice. Jul watched her face as he slowly entered her, her heat and juices making his cock fit her despite his size. When he felt her maidenhead, the barrier that told him she was his, he kissed her and slammed forward. When she screamed, he emptied himself in her. There was no hope for anything else. But when she licked his shoulder and bit him, he surged forward again and again until he came again, this time bringing her with him.

Chapter 6
    Sloan was sitting in her kitchen when she got home. Jul was still at the house with his mother and her family, and she was glad for that. Emerald wanted some time alone, and he seemed to understand that. But Sloan being here scared her just a little.
    “It didn’t go well.” Emerald sat down. The little boy and his father. “I tried to…he wasn’t the only one hurting him. They were both…did you know that they were having sex with him?”
    “No. I only saw the bruises and what they did to him where I could see it.” Sloan got up to pace. “Sloan, where is the little boy? I know you didn’t hurt him. Where is he now?”
    “I’m so sorry, honey. I was too late. He was dead when I got there. I had…they were still having sex with him. I don’t think they realized what they’d done to that point. And that made me….” He paced for several more turns before he sat down again. “I killed them both. My rage was so out of control that I killed them both before I could gather my wits about me. There was another child, the little girl that you told me about. I took her to the hospital. It did not look good for her either. So I helped her a little.”
    She went to her cabinet and pulled down a bottle of bourbon. Emerald was glad it was Saturday or she might have gone to work with liquor on her breath. But right now, she needed this more than she needed a job.
    “He wanted to stay at the school last night. Do you suppose he knew what was going to happen to him when he went home?” She took a burning gulp of the fiery liquid. “I should have brought him with me. Or called the police. I’m not supposed

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