Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance

Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance by Kathi S. Barton Page B

Book: Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
to, but I should have.”
    “Had you done anything to help him temporarily, it would only have happened again and again later.” She nodded. Knowing that didn’t really help her. “Emerald, the little girl, she is going to need care. More than any human can give her. Someone needs to step in and take her before she is lost in the system. You need to bring her to this family.”
    “Me?” He nodded. “I have no idea how to care for a kid. I mean, I teach them, but to have one full time? I haven’t any idea what to do. And if she needs help like you said, then I’m not sure how to give it to her. I failed her brother. What makes you think I can do anything good for her?”
    “You have a mate. And with him you can do so much for her.” She flushed and he smiled. “You will be able to care for her in ways that no one else can. And her brother would like to know that you have her.”
    Emotional blackmail. That was what he was doing, plain and simple. “Why don’t you take her in? You and Opal have a house and money.”
    “We’re vampires.” She knew that, but to hear him say it brought home the problems they might encounter when their own child was born. He smiled at her unspoken concern and answered her. “We’re making arrangements. There will be someone with the child at all times when we cannot be. And Opal is a day person. She will be able to be there more than me.”
    “I can’t take this child, Sloan. I don’t even know how to care for myself.” He looked around the room and she did as well. It was a small apartment. One bedroom, a living room/kitchen/dining room combined, and a bath. That was it. And if you counted the closet, the single closet, she had a total of four rooms to keep herself in. “In a few weeks I’m going to be homeless too. This place is being renovated as condos, and I can’t afford it. And if you suggest I have my mate take me in, I’ll stake you where you sleep.”
    “But it’s all true. He needs to care for you. Jul has money. A great deal of it. I’m assuming that he will purchase the two of you a home.” She told him that they’d not talked long term for now. “He will need to see to your needs, Emerald. Have you even told him about your housing situation? Have you told anyone?”
    “No, and I won’t, either. I can see to my own needs, thanks.” She didn’t have any idea why that bothered her so much, but it did. “I have to get some things done around here. So if you don’t mind leaving me to it, I’d very much appreciate it.”
    Sloan stared at her for several seconds before he stood up. He was a big man, imposing, and she backed up several steps, shielding her face with her arms. When he frowned at her, she wanted to tell him it was habit, but he seemed to know.
    “This other man, he’s been here before. Recently. Are you aware of that?” She shook her head. “You will need to be careful. There is the scent of death about him. He is dangerous, isn’t he?”
    “Yes.” He asked her if she’d told Jul. “No. I think he thinks there is someone else, but not…how did you know?”
    “You are one I would rarely consider afraid of much. You have been…lately I have noticed that you are afraid of your own shadow. When one of the men stand, you move away. And recently you seem to be away more than ever. Are you thinking that you can protect us from him, or are you hiding what he’s done to you?”
    She wasn’t sure how to answer him. Or even if she wanted to. “He’s not anyone I dated really. I never even went out with him. I…he just latched onto me and I can’t get rid of him. And now he’s hurting the people I meet or know. I was with a friend of mine, and this guy shows up and acts like we’re more than we are. More than we’d ever be. He told my date what he and I were married. He keeps showing up. Threatening me. He came to the school, too.”
    “You need to tell your family, all of it.” She nodded but said nothing. “And you must find a

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