Enchant Me
had felt it as strongly as I had or had
felt it at all. He patted Cody on the head one last time.
    “Keep an eye on him. I don’t want him to get
hurt by a stray ball. I will do what I can to keep it out of the
    I was horrified, I hadn’t thought of that.
What kind of cat mother was I? “Maybe I should take him back
     “Don’t worry, I will protect you both,”
he said and chucked me lightly under the chin and ran out to the
    Smiling and enjoying the view of him running,
I thought that we both probably needed some time apart to absorb
what was happening between us. Even with Nicolas, whom I had truly
really cared about, it had been nothing compared to this. My
feelings for Christian were growing so fast and powerful it was
almost frightening. Thinking of Nicolas, I took a quick glance
around but I didn’t see anyone of concern. Not that there weren’t
any places to hide, there was swamp land just off to the right side
of the field but I didn’t feel that sick sensation I had felt on
    Abruptly there was a roar of appreciation on
the field, I glanced back over to find Christian on the ground, he
was looking back at me smiling but as he realized I obviously
hadn’t been paying attention, it faded. I had a feeling he had just
lived up to his word and saved Cody and I from being smacked by a
stray soccer ball and he knew I had missed it. I tried to erase the
worry that had probably still been on my face but I wasn’t sure
that I fooled him. In appreciation, I smiled and attempted to
clap my hands while still holding Cody, but I had a feeling he
would question me on it later. As they resumed play, I lay down on
the towel and placed Cody protectively behind my body, hoping he
could be satisfied with the lawn and whatever bugs existed back
there. Not wanting to lose cool girlfriend points, I
diligently watched every minute of the game from that point on. I
wasn’t an expert but from what I could tell, Christian wasn’t the
best player but he made up for that with pure passion and focus. He
was just so ridiculously beautiful no matter what he was doing. I
was completely infatuated.
    Eventually they called a break and Christian
ran over to his car and grabbed a cooler and brought it over to
Cody and me. I felt pretty guilty that I was pulling him away from
his friends. I got up in preparation to pack and move to where they
    “What are you doing?” He asked confused.
     “I can move over to where everyone else
is. I don’t want to seem unfriendly.”
    He smirked at this. “They’ll get over it. I
didn’t make enough for everyone.”
    I couldn’t keep the excitement out of my
voice, “you cooked today? What did you make?”
    He laughed at me and sat cross legged on the
towel, being careful to not squash Cody, who was now bored with the
lawn and wanted to see what we were up to. Christian reached up,
grabbed my arm, pulled me down to the towel too, and started
pulling his Tupperware out of the cooler. He revealed a homemade
potato salad, chicken salad sandwiches and some kind of gourmet
chips that were amazing. 
    He seemed amused by how I devoured his food;
his mouth was quirking up at the corners. “I take it your mom
doesn’t cook much either. What do you eat when I am not providing
for you?”
    “Spaghettios, hot dogs and oatmeal,” I
laughed and shrugged.
    He looked completely disgusted but he was
still so insanely cute. He really was a good cook too. I wondered
if I could talk him into bringing me lunch at school. 
    “Alexis,” he sounded serious. Here it comes…
“What were you thinking about earlier?”
    He looked at me pointedly, daring me to
pretend that I didn’t know to what he was referring. I looked
away from him. I really didn’t want to tell him but I didn’t
believe in lying either. 
    “Nicolas,” I sighed. When I looked back
I saw jealously flash across his face just before reality hit and
he realized how stupid that was. I smiled in

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