
Enchanter by Kristy Centeno

Book: Enchanter by Kristy Centeno Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristy Centeno
Tags: YA)
to hell. If he was
not going to be home, or had something more important to do, then why didn’t he
let me know ahead of time?
    Angry that I wasted my time by bothering to actually pay him
a visit, I took my cell out and was about to dial Xavier’s number to have him
pick me up when movement at the foot of the staircase caught my attention.
    Glancing down, I watched as Brandon’s huge form ascended the
stairs and turned to his right where I happened to be waiting by his front
door. The second he spotted me standing there, Brandon’s eyes widened and he
took a step back.
    “You look surprised to see me,” I muttered, trying hard to
conceal my impatience.
    “I am surprised,” he admitted. “What are you still doing
    “Did you forget that we have a humanity assignment to
complete for class?”
    “Then you remember that I was coming over?”
    “Then why are you surprised to see me here?”
    “Because I’m late and I didn’t think you would wait for me.”
His words gave me the impression that he was hoping I would not be there when
he finally made it back.
    “If you were going to be late, then why didn’t you let me
know? I’ve been standing by this door for forty-five minutes!” What little
patience I was holding onto slipped out of my grasp and I snapped at him, “This
might not be as important to you as it is to me, but I thought you would help
me out and allow me to complete this assignment. Instead, you act as if this is
some kind of joke.”
    Brandon just looked at me before shaking his head.
    “Am I supposed to use smoke signals to be able to
communicate with you then?”
    “I don’t have your number.”
    He sidestepped me and proceeded to take out a set of keys
from his pocket and unlocked the door.
    “You know where I live,” I said, glaring at his broad back.
    “And what exactly are you suggesting?” He turned to glare at
me. “That I go out of my way just to tell you that I had to take a last minute
shift and I was probably going to be late?”
    “You are late!” I yelled at him. “And yes, that would’ve
been nice.”
    So many emotions mirrored through his eyes in so little
    “Did it ever occur to you that I had a very bad day at work
and now I have to come home and listen to this nonsense?”
    “Well, excuse me for sounding like a bratty teenager, but I
just spent forty five minutes waiting for your arrival,” I snapped.
    Brandon took in some air and let it out in a rush. He was
obviously in no mood for a fight.
    “Look, I didn’t know I was going to be late. Something
happened at work and I had to stay. I would have called you but I don’t have
your number.”
    As I took a few unselfish seconds to observe his face,
I could tell he was exhausted and looking like he wanted to drop down on a bed
and sleep for hours.
    “I’m sorry, Brandon.” How insensitive was I that I did not notice
right away how his broad shoulders were slumped down, or the dark circles that
were prominent under his eyes. “I guess it might sound kind of stupid to ask
now, but how was your day?” It was a dumb thing to say but after taking in his
tired appearance, I felt like an idiot for snapping at him and so the words
that left my mouth were more of an attempt to make up for my bad attitude than
an effort at a conversation.
    Brandon turned to open the door and gestured for me to step
    “I just worked a sixteen hour shift and I haven’t eaten
anything since five o’clock yesterday, so forgive me if I come across as
moody.” Although he probably meant to sound sarcastic, his tone did not quite
meet his expectations. His words, however, served to make me feel even worse.
     “Would you prefer to leave this for some other time?”
    “No. You’re already here. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to
have a stroke if I send you away, especially considering the fact that you’ve been
waiting for almost an hour for me to show up.”
    “Okay, I deserve

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