Eternal Temptation

Eternal Temptation by T. A. Grey

Book: Eternal Temptation by T. A. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. A. Grey
around as suddenly she was back in the cabin with Darien. She wasn’t laying on his lap anymore because he had slid down beside her and now spooned with her from behind.
    Was this a trick from Daniel? No it couldn’t be. He didn’t have those kinds of powers. He didn’t even know what Darien looked like if he could conjure a fake one up.
    This must be her own dream now. Darien was pressed against her back; his heat like a big blanket around her.
    He pulled up the front of her shirt and cupped her naked breast in his big hot hand. She sucked in a breath as his scratchy palm grazed over her soft nipple. He growled, thrusting his hips against her ass. He acted like a pleased animal, encouraging her sexual prowess with his growls and thrusts.
    She’d never had a wet dream before but if this was what they were like then she was totally on board. He pinched and tugged at her nipple before making a frustrated sound and turning her to face. With a roll, he grabbed her waist and lifted her until she was on top of him. Then he popped her hard nipple into his mouth and sucked fiercely.
    A deep throb began pulsing inside her. He made her nipple wet and puckered then switched to the other one so that the chilled air teased it like an icy feather.
    “Darien,” she whispered.
    “You’re beautiful,” he said pulling away from her breast. “You make me crazy. I don’t think I can wait. I want you so bad, Cassie. Lumara. ” He started pulling off her clothes, and then his own until they were both naked before the dim fire.
    Her heart fluttered in her chest as he kissed his way down her stomach. Her arms couldn’t sit still, and she had no idea what to do with them so she grabbed onto his thick hair, pulling most of it out of the tie he always kept it in.
    “What are you doing?” She swallowed over the lump in her throat terrified and excited to hear the answer.
    His big hands grabbed her thighs then slowly pushed her legs open. His eyes lingered on her open sex before they slowly traveled up her body, taking in every inch of her bare skin before stopping at her eyes.
    “I’m going to fuck you. It’s not going to be slow and easy. I can’t do that. Not even for you, Cassie. I’m going to take you hard, but I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”
    Cassie panted at his deep-spoken words, struggled to take in everything he was saying because a second later his tongue darted between her soft, wet folds and was teasing her clit with a dexterous move that had her writhing against him.
    She’d never felt anything like it. Intense, burning pleasure centered solely on her sex as he tongued her with feverish passion. A hard trembling started quickly in her hips. It trailed down to settle in her thighs, then moved out to tingle in her fingertips.
    She stammered his name, “Darien.”
    He growled ruthlessly against her, vibrating her flesh, and then she exploded into a million pieces. Her head flew back as she jerked hard against his tongue, harsh cries coming out of her dry throat. She saw nothing but black as if her vision had to shut down just to deal with the energy of her orgasm.
    It seemed like it took forever for her to fall back down into her body. She felt like a feather in a gentle wind softly gliding back and forth, lower and lower until finally she landed back on earth.
    Two big hands settled on her waist and jerked her a foot closer to him. Cassie’s eyes shot open and she looked first at his glazed, burning eyes then down his big hard chest to his cock. She licked her lips. Either he was bigger than she remembered or it was the angle because the man was thicker than her wrist and much too long to be natural. / Or her imagination had just taken over at this point.
    He leaned down and kissed her. It was only their second kiss. Do dream kisses even count? Yeah, she was totally counting this because he tasted like her sex and thrust his tongue inside her mouth like he was trying to tell her what he was about to do to

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