Eve's Evolution (Erotic Secrets No. 1)

Eve's Evolution (Erotic Secrets No. 1) by Olympia Charbonneau

Book: Eve's Evolution (Erotic Secrets No. 1) by Olympia Charbonneau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olympia Charbonneau
back out in the robe feeling pensive.
    “Eve, I can see something is on your mind. Have a seat. What’s going on?”
    “So, I haven’t seen any of this money that’s always being promised.”
    “One million dollars in a Swiss bank account… your Swiss bank account, tomorrow. That was part of the papers that you signed. That’s your first check, so to speak.”
    “That’s what Malcolm said, my first check. Check for what exactly?”
    “Well, we don’t exactly get paychecks. We’re paid by the job and a monthly allotment. No taxes anymore Eve.” Eve broke out in an enormous smile. “Of course, this job can get dangerous, so consider that your new problem, not Uncle Sam. Besides they don’t want any agency messing with us. You’ll be left alone. The deposit, let’s call it that instead, is for joining up. A… signing bonus. Right?”
    Gabriel nodded to her and raised his eyebrows for confirmation, but she suspected he was just trying to make her feel comfortable. His English was flawless. He didn’t need her help.
    A cool million dollars tax free. She was happy, then frightened. No one gives you a million dollars and the IRS looks the other way without you being involved in some serious shit. The plane took off and as they climbed, Gabriel gave her hand a pat, and let her sink into her thoughts. Training had been mentioned briefly… should she be scared, intrigued, or both? Where would she live? Would she ever see her parents again? What about her driver’s license? Did she have an actual grave? They said she was now legally dead after all.
    “Okay, massage for one,” Gabriel patted the table. He had stripped down to his white t-shirt. It was nice to be surrounded by well-cared for men, strong men. She gave him a quick once-over and climbed onto the table. He slid a towel up under her robe, and she released the robe to him. He turned on some background music. Was it The Goldberg Variations ? She thought it was. Before she knew it warm oil was being spread by strong, bronzed hands over her back.
    “You know I actually did this for a living to get through college, so I hope it is good. Tell me any areas you’re having a problem with.”
    “Neck, shoulders.”
    “Classic. Most people carry stress there.” He worked out a knot, and Eve sighed with relief. More oil, more rubbing this time from the legs, up, up, and he stopped.
    “How far would you like me to go?”
    “As far as you want to go.”
    “You’re already wet,” he whispered as he slid his fingers inside of her. She let him massage her inside and out. He stopped briefly as his jeans hit the floor. He turned her over and took off his t-shirt. He was perfectly muscled, a gym dream. Eve never thought she would have a man like this kneading her body, all she had to say was yes, and she didn’t even care about that anymore.
    “More,” Eve encouraged as she pulled herself down the table, wrapping her legs around his waist. He slid his oiled hands over her breasts, up her neck and down to her hips. He gently pumped into her, and she let herself be rocked up and down on the table. His head reclined, and he let out a moan. He fucked her hard, pumping his cock all the way in. Eve got louder and louder, she forgot about anyone else on the plane. “Yeah, oh yeah, fuck me!”
    Gabriel bent over, cradled her head, and fucked her as hard and fast as he could until he pulled out and exploded over her stomach. “Oh my God,” he stood up slowly, “I’ve been waiting days for that.”
    Clean-up ensued and Eve lulled her head around her neck feeling loose and alive. The plane was dead quiet. She gave a panicked glance around and then looked over to Gabriel. “Don’t worry, this plane has seen and heard worse,” he laughed. “There’s a shower in the back. You can go first.” Eve pulled her robe on and he cupped her breast as she walked by, “You must not keep yourself for only Henri’s games. I can play games too.” He bent down to give her a

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