Evince Me
    'Oh gosh, what do I
do? ' I thought to myself as I faced the stove and
began tediously wiping it down. My hands were shaking nervously,
not knowing if I should woman up and turn around to face him or
feign like he's not there and continue ignoring him?
    I could feel the warmth of his muscular body
heat up my back as Tristan's hand came down on top of mine,
stopping me from wiping the counter. His breath tickled the side of
my face when he leaned down slightly to say, "You've been cleaning
the same spot for the past couple minutes."
    My entire stature stood frozen, I was unable to
move. Surprised at Tristan's daring attempt of getting so close.
Wasn't he scared I'd turn around and slap him in the face for the
stunt he pulled last night? Obviously Tristan's confidence level
was high on the meter.
    Noticing that it seemed unusually empty in the
kitchen I turned my head slightly to the right towards the tables
to realize that it was just Tristan and I left. Rico must've made
everyone leave so we could have privacy, what a sweet brother.
    "Maybe the spot isn't clean enough." My voice
quivered as I tried to answer Tristan in my strongest tone. Epic
fail, I hope he doesn't hear the forgiveness in my voice, I want
him to feel guilty for a bit longer.
    "I think..." Tristan spun me in his arms to face
him, I stared straight at his chest refusing to meet his gaze. Once
our eyes meet, I'm done...there's something about those gray eyes
peering into my soul and melting me from the inside out. "Maybe
you're avoiding me."
    His fingers moved up to caress my face softly as
Tristan unknowingly guided me towards the corner, pushing my back
against the counter. I was trapped, not able to escape if I wanted
to. "Please don't be angry with me baby, I'm so sorry for being an
insensitive jealous jerk. I know it was an innocent hug, I just saw
red when his arms were wrapped around you."
    I was slowly but surely cracking, I could just
feel my anger dissipating. Soon, very soon I'd be wrapped around
Tristan lovingly. Tristan took a hold of both sides of my face,
tilting my head so I'd look him straight in the eyes. He always
made me look him in the eyes, so I'd know he was telling the
    "I'll do anything..." Tristan pleaded with tears
evident in his eyes. "Anything...for you to forgive me. I'm sorry
for disrespecting you as my mate and my Luna." Ok guys I think he
groveled enough, it’s time to speak my peace and let this be done
and over with, no?
    I hate fighting with Tristan, makes it feel like
a part of me is missing! Swallowing deeply, I began my apology.
"I'm sorry for being such an inconsiderate bitch. There's a lot I
need to work on first and foremost being respecting you as my mate
and my Alpha." My words got caught up in my throat as I took a deep
breath in to fight back the tears. I love him so damn much it hurts
if that's even possible.
    Never again will I do anything to jeopardize the
well being of our relationship. "So we agree to not disagree
anymore? No more jealousy on my part and no more making me jealous
on yours?" Tristan asked in a playful tone.
    "Yes." I answered throwing my arms around his
neck. "I love you." I uttered into the crook of his neck as my body
shook overcome with emotions. Never wanting the thought of not
being Tristan's mate to ever come up in conversation again.
    "I love you too Lise. You belong to me and me
only." Tristan all but growled as he lifted me onto the counter and
our lips collided together sealing our agreement to stop fighting
over dumb things. It was time for us to get our priorities straight
and grow up. To focus on being the best Luna and Alpha we

Chapter 11: Home
    All the guys from back home who were only
supposed to be visiting for the weekend ended up staying for a
week. They returned home the next weekend after the battle when all
the excitement began to simmer and everything settled down going
back to

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