Fallen Grace (The Death Dealer Book 1)

Fallen Grace (The Death Dealer Book 1) by Katie Roman

Book: Fallen Grace (The Death Dealer Book 1) by Katie Roman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Roman
certainly this was not what Leon and George wanted for her when they insisted she go to the tournament.
    That entire afternoon, people came to stare at the unfortunate duo. Some just came out of curiosity, while others came to insult and throw things at the “witch.” The reek of moldy cabbage and rotten tomatoes wafted up to Grace’s nostrils. She and Donald each received their fair share of dirt and food thrown at them.
    Losing all claims to her former life did not bother her as much as Tristan’s reaction. He followed them to the stable and slapped Grace after she removed the armor. It stung not only because it hit her bruises, but also because he had tried to win her affection so soon before. He called her a witch and spat at her feet, saying she mocked everything sacred about the tournament by daring to compete. Then he claimed his feelings for her had been one of her spells. The final injury came when he said he would kill her himself if they ever met again. Then there was the guilt over Donald. He was not a bad man. A friend, a loyal servant, and yet now his honor was reduced to filth like hers. He hadn’t said a word since they were taken away. Now night surrounded him, and the young man who was helpless in the pillory was humming.
    The tune was one favored by fishermen in Arganis. The song told the tale of a beautiful maiden who became lost among the waves of the sea, waiting for her love to return. She cast herself down to the waves when she believed he’d never come home. Eventually he did, and upon hearing of her demise, he took to wandering the forests and letting his spirit inhabit the trees.
    “ The Lady Vivaine and her man, Joshua, despaired,” Donald said upon finishing his tune. “That’s why they both died as they did.”
    The light surrounding them was weak, but Grace thought she could make out tear stains on Donald’s cheek, though it may have been a trick from the nearby torchlight. She knew her own face was soaked with salty tears. They mingled with the dirt, causing her to look sticky and dirty. Luckily no one would see her as she was now.
    “Oh, Donald, what have I done to us?” Her voice broke at the end as a new wave of tears overtook her. “Even if we live, we will never be allowed to return to decent places.” Grace halted in her despair, too overcome to continue vocalizing her grief.
    “ No doubt word is moving fast to all areas of Cesernan about this. But Sir Leon will never see his only niece cast out in the world, and Lord George never need know you returned to Arganis. We’ll survive the trial and go straight back to your uncles.” Donald’s voice cracked just as Grace’s had. His tears destroyed any hope Grace had of being comforted by his idea.
    King Frederick had already marked them as guilty, and no one could hope to survive that. “We’ll return to Arganis, you’ll see,” Donald said again, softer this time.
    Silence grew again between them, and other sounds of the night could be heard. The guards that stood within earshot were playing some sort of card game, a baby was crying in one of the houses that overlooked the city center, cats meowed, and rodents rustled through the trash heaps.
    “ I wish to see the witch,” a familiar voice commanded.
    “ But, we’ve orders...” one of the guards said. Grace heard him quickly get to his feet. There was an uneasiness in his voice and movements.
    “ I am your prince and I command you let me see her and her manservant, now .”
    There was no further argument as Prince Drake was allowed to get closer to Grace and Donald. The guards were posted so that no one harassed or helped the two in the night. Now they flanked the Prince; each looking nervously at one another. Their orders were from Frederick, but Drake was his son. So now they wondered if they were doing right by allowing this.
    “Unlock them. I wish to be able to look at them as decent people, not criminals.”
    “ Now, Your Royal Highness, we can’t

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