Falling to Pieces

Falling to Pieces by Amber Garza

Book: Falling to Pieces by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Garza
minute and wonder again how well I really know the girl sitting next to me. “Ives, about the other day at the restaurant—”
    “Can we please just not talk about it?”
    Anger sparks. “No, I’m tired of avoiding this subject with you.”
    She appears stunned by my outburst. “Well, I don’t want to talk about it. I said I was sorry and there’s nothing more to say.”
    “You could tell me who di d it.” I grip the wheel so hard that my knuckles whiten.
    “I told you I fell.”
    “Ives, I saw those bruises. Why can’t you just tell me who hurt you? If it wasn’t Cam, then who was it?” I want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. Why can’t she just be honest about this?
    “Asher, I’m telling you the truth.  It’s just like I said that night. I fell. You know what a risk taker I am.”
    It’s the same thing that Cole said. Am I grasping at straws? Is the truth really that simple? Is my need to justify my actions clouding my vision? “But you nodded.”
    “What?” Her voice is shaky and small.
    “That night when I asked you if it was Cam, you nodded. You also said it had been happening for awhile.”
    “I’m really sorry,” her voice is hardly even a whisper.
    I pull over when her apartment complex comes into view. “God, Ives, I’ve replayed that night in my head a million times, and every time I come to the same conclusion.”
    “What’s that?” Her eyes are full of pain , and I just want to hug her and tell her it’s all going to be okay. Only I just don’t know if it is at this point.
    “That someone hurt you and you’re just too afraid to admit it.”
    She reaches for the door handle. “I fell down and injured myself Asher. That’s all there is to it.” Cool air spills into the car when she opens the door. Her dress blows around her legs as she steps onto the curb.
    I can’t even look at her. The minute the passenger door closes I peel out and race down the street. I always thought Ivy trusted me. Now I’m not so sure. One thing I do know is that I sure as hell don’t trust her anymore.
    I speed back to the party, determined to do whatever I have to in order to get Ivy out of my mind. I’m done letting that girl ruin my life. After parking, I hurry toward the house, hoping that Cole didn’t notice I was missing. Luckily, he’s nowhere to be seen when I enter. However, I spot Sydney almost immediately.
    She sashays over to me, her hips swaying ever so slightly. It’s cute, not aggressive the way it is when Peyton and her friends do it. She wears a little jean skirt and a pink top. It’s just the sort of outfit Ivy wouldn’t be caught dead in and for that I’m grateful. I need to get my mind off her, not be with someone who reminds me of her. “So, is your friend okay?”
    “She’s fine.” I walk closer to Sydney. “Look, I’m sorry about earlier. I really was enjoying my time with you.”
    She smiles. “It’s fine. Your friend was in trouble. I thought it was sweet the way you helped her.”
    “But she’s just a friend and she’s not here, so where were we?” I grab Sydney around the waist and pull her to me. Her sweet, candy scent washes over me, and I’m so glad it isn’t anything like the floral scent that permeates everything that Ivy wears. Sydney’s hand rests on my chest, and she looks up at me with a sweet flutter of her lashes.
    “Where’s Ivy? I can’t find her.” Billie bumps into me.
    I grunt in frustration, giving Sydney an apologetic glance. “She’s fine. She’s home.”
    Billie narrows her eyes at me. “How’d she get there?”
    “I took her. Now, do you mind? I’m sorta in the middle of something.” I smile down at Sydney who giggles at what I’m insinuating. This is going to be way too easy.
    Billie shoves me in the shoulder. “What did you do to Ivy?”
    “Nothing,” I say.
    “Hey, he was the one who rescued her from the perv who was all over her,” Sydney says, surprising me. “So, back off.”
    Billie flashes an

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