Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2)

Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2) by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell

Book: Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2) by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
the end of it all. Was hoping we could stay in touch.
    Luke: For what purpose?
    StaffSgt: To have a friend who isn’t an entitled Staten Island juicehead driving mommy or daddy’s car? That’s basically… all of my friends. Or d-bag conservatives. I never realized how awful my old squad was until I joined the army.
    Luke: Heh. Okay. I can see why you’d want to expand your circle.
    StaffSgt: Right? Anyway, he isn’t interested I guess. I wonder if his boyfriend doesn’t like it or maybe he just doesn’t like me. I’m only likeable when I’m getting someone off I guess.
    Luke: Don’t be an idiot.
    StaffSgt: I’m serious
    Luke: Seriously an idiot. If you weren’t likeable, I wouldn’t be typing so many words on fucking Grindr. That’s saying something.
    StaffSgt: :) Aw, you like me!
    Luke: shut up.

    * * *

    Luke: Hey
    StaffSgt: Am I seeing this right? You messaged me? THIS IS A FIRST.
    Luke: Fuck off. You didn’t message me like you usually do and the weather is shit.
    StaffSgt: Okay lemme rewrite that for you: Hey Dominic, it’s pouring outside and it’s flooding, so I was worried for your safety. Are you okay?
    Luke: Why did I even bother.
    StaffSgt: Hey, it’s okay to check in. I’m good tho
    Luke: Great. You home then for the day?
    StaffSgt: Yeah close enough.
    Luke: Good, stay there.
    StaffSgt: I like when you get bossy
    Luke: Bye Dominic.

    * * *

    StaffSgt: Hey. You around?
    Luke: I wasn’t, but I am now.
    StaffSgt: It’s okay. Nvm.
    Luke: What’s wrong?
    StaffSgt: How do you know something’s wrong?
    Luke: You didn’t open with a joke or stupid comment. And you used punctuation.
    StaffSgt: Yeah. I guess I usually act like a clown.
    Luke: I didn’t say that.
    StaffSgt: It’s a fact tho
    Luke: What’s wrong with you
    StaffSgt: Do you really give a shit, Luke? Like for real
    Luke: I’m asking, aren’t I?
    StaffSgt: :)
    StaffSgt: I just feel like a scrub. I’m not where I thought I’d be after getting out of the army. Makes me feel like I should have just re-upped and crawled back into the MRAP to wait to get my fucking head blown off.
    Luke: What do you mean you’re not where you thought you would be?
    StaffSgt: Dude, it’s like I’ve gone back in time. Like I never got anywhere or did anything. I hate it. And even tho I hate it, I wake up every day and keep doing this same shit routine instead of trying to make a change.
    Luke: You’re in a rut.
    StaffSgt: pretty much yes
    Luke: Why don’t you look for something else?
    StaffSgt: I don’t think I’m qualified to do shit else, man. What do I have to put on my resume? My kill count? My training with weapons? I don’t want to go into security or be a cop. I don’t want another job carrying a gun or using my size to intimidate people. You know? But I’ve spent 8 years in a fucking desert or on an army base, and now I’m nothing in the real world.
    Luke: You’re being too hard on yourself. You have plenty of skills.
    StaffSgt: I’m not and I don’t. Trust me.
    Luke: There are plenty of jobs that don’t require fighting or carrying a gun. Healthcare, for one. Or teaching.
    StaffSgt: Dude, I’m a fucking moron. I can’t teach anyone anything.
    Luke: Stop.
    StaffSgt: sorry. This is too deep for a Grindr convo. I’ll STFU.
    Luke: That’s not what I meant. Look… I have experience with radical lifestyle changes. If you want, I can help you.
    StaffSgt: Really?
    Luke: Really.
    StaffSgt: Thanks, Luke.

    * * *

    I checked my Grindr messages one last time. Dominic had been a little off—and definitely more forthcoming—lately. I worried about the kid now and wondered if he’d given more thought to what kind of job he wanted to look for.
    I understood what he was going through when it came to leaving the military and wondering what the fuck to do next. I’d been there, except I sure as hell wasn’t proud of my discharge papers. At the time, I’d wanted to forget I’d ever served despite it being the most important part of my

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