Fell Purpose

Fell Purpose by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Book: Fell Purpose by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
because he’s a bad hat and he knew her. We’ve nothing on him.’
    ‘Oh, well that all sounds wonderfully positive,’ she said. ‘You look bushed. Another Brutal Laddie?’
    ‘Just a tiny one. Have one with me?’
    ‘Just a tiny one.’
    ‘I interviewed the victim’s best friend today,’ he said while she poured. ‘Or I should say “mate”. God, it was depressing. Girl from a well-to-do middle-class family, attending a fee-paying school, and she talks and behaves like a trollop. It made me think of Kate. I don’t want her becoming like that, but I suspect there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent it. I don’t suppose the Cooper-Hutchinsons planned their Sophy to be like that, but the culture is stronger than the people.’
    ‘Don’t be silly – the culture is the people,’ she said briskly. ‘Mostly people are too indolent. It’s a huge effort to take a stand over things, and they can’t be bothered. They’d sooner be friends with their children than try to discipline them.’
    ‘Tough talk.’ Slider smiled wearily at her. ‘I can’t even influence Kate now, let alone discipline her. We really have to find somewhere with another bedroom, so I can have them to stay. I can’t be a part of her life when I can only see her for a couple of hours at an amusement park like a Divorce Dad. Did you have any luck today?’
    ‘Oh, I saw the details of a lot of properties, but nothing we can afford. One estate agent recommended looking at the auction sites. There are a lot of repossessed properties coming on at the moment, at rock-bottom prices. I’ve got the details of a couple of sites. I’ll have a go at it tomorrow when the baby’s napping.’
    ‘Talking of the baby, have you found a sitter for Thursday night?’
    ‘I asked Emily, and she jumped at it. You’d think I was doing her the favour.’
    ‘Oh good! Funny Atherton didn’t say anything to me.’
    ‘She probably hasn’t spoken to him, any more than I spoke to you,’ she pointed out kindly. ‘She’s thrilled about it, bless her. Says she’s never looked after a baby before, and can’t wait.’
    Slider stirred. ‘Never looked after a baby? Is that a good idea, then?’
    ‘Good practice for her, for when she and Jim get at it.’
    ‘I think they’re at it already.’
    ‘Parenthood, rather than mere vigorous bonking.’
    ‘But I meant, is it a good idea for the baby?’
    ‘Oh, what could go wrong?’ she said. ‘Worst case he howls all evening, which won’t hurt him, and will prepare her for the realities of life.’
    He smiled. ‘I love your cavalier attitude to our only offspring.’
    ‘You’re a worrier. Probably comes from being an only child. When you come from a big family like me, you’re expected to get on with it and survive. My older sisters used to use me for netball practice,’ she boasted largely. ‘Never did me any harm.’
    ‘I used to sit in for the smoking beagles for pocket money,’ he capped her.
    She smiled, glad to see he had relaxed: that tense, grey look had gone out of his face. ‘I’m ready for bed,’ she said. ‘How do you feel about sleeping with a married woman?’
    He pretended to consider. ‘Sounds good to me. Have you got her number?’
    ‘I’ve got your number, you Lothario. Leave the dishes,’ she said, standing up. ‘I’ll clear it in the morning. I want my cot.’
    He caught her up, slid an arm round her waist, and nibbled her neck. ‘How do you feel about making love with a married man?’
    ‘As long as you don’t wake up my baby.’
    They headed for the bedroom, where the bedside lamp was already on to guide them home. ‘I can’t help feeling,’ he said, ‘that learning how to do it really quietly has got to come in handy some time.’
    Detective Inspector Douglas ‘call me Duggie’ Sweyback of Woodley Green nick (which had responsibility for the Woodley South Estate) had trotted out the tea and biscuits – custard cream, coconut ring and Abbey Crunch – as soon as

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