Fight for Her #4: MMA New Adult Contemporary Romantic Suspense
and wave to the man in dark glasses who is driving the car that brought me. Another security guard. Colt’s father apparently has an army of them.
    I tug open the door. The ice packs took down the swelling on my face after my fight with Lani, but they couldn’t get rid of the purplish bruising along my cheekbone. Thankfully she didn’t get either of my eyes. I never wear makeup usually, but I wanted to hide this before visiting my father this morning.
    When I left, two bodyguards were stationed at the house. At first my mom and Delores were upset at the thought of anyone hanging around.
    Then they saw them.
    Both are big as boulders, broad as a front porch, and chiseled as body builders. Every time Delores passes the one in her living room, she fans herself. Even Mom has silenced her bitter tongue, baking lemon cakes and making tea.
    It’s been a good thing all around. I’m calmer. Parker’s more at ease. After Parker told Lily they were both former boxers, Lily started wearing her gloves, sneaking up on them, and shouting, “Pow pow!” as she pummeled their knees.
    They are as unmoving as British castle guards, although I swear the one by the back door cracks a smile every once in a while. Parker says Jo attacked both of them in the hospital so she could see Colt. She must have looked like a grasshopper jumping on the Chrysler building.
    The elevator takes me to Dad’s floor. I hope he doesn’t notice my face. He has more than enough to worry about with his lungs refilling with fluid every few hours. My only consolation is that Parker found him, and now we can help. He wouldn’t have lasted another day out in that cemetery.
    I knock on his door. He’s propped up a little higher this morning.
    “Madelyn,” he says.
    I come in and sit on the edge of the bed. “How are you doing this morning, Dad?”
    “I might be better.”
    “Did they have to suction you?”
    He grins. “Yes, but the nurse who handles the machine is worth the pain.”
    I shake my head. “You’re terrible.”
    “I tried to get her to sneak me in a little hooch but they said nope, they are cleaning up my act.”
    I try not to overreact. “Dad, you have to stop drinking.”
    “Yes, your mother tried to convince me years ago.” He looks down at the sheets at his trembling hands. I realize they aren’t shaking from his illness or his age. It’s his addiction.
    “We can get you help for that too now.”
    He tucks his hands beneath the sheets. “Somebody’s going to take my place in the angel house,” he says.
    “The what?” I have no idea what he is talking about.
    “In the cemetery. It’s one of the best spots.”
    “Is that where you would sleep?”
    He shifts on the bed to get more comfortable. “Sleeping with the angels. Most people dream about it.”
    My throat closes up. Years on the streets have taken their toll. “You sure you’re okay?”
    Dad looks at me. “Right as rain. Warm bed. Clean sheets. Hot food. Other than the lack of hooch.”
    I will have to look up some rehabs and find him a room. This is what started the whole problem.
    Or was it my mother?
    Maybe I could work on that too.
    “You look troubled, my Madelyn. Are you all right?” His face is calm and concerned, like the father I knew when I was small. His eyes narrow. “Is something wrong with your cheek?”
    My hand flies to my face. “I’m fine, Daddy,” I say.
    “Did somebody hit you?”
    “No, I mean, I got in a little scrape in the street.”
    He sits up tall now. “What sort of scrape?”
    “Just with a girl. I’m fine.”
    His breath comes faster, and then the coughing starts. He snatches up a cloth to his mouth.
    I move closer and rub my hand across his back until it subsides. I glance at the monitors. No alarm goes off this time. That must mean he’s a little better.
    “Don’t worry about me,” I say.
    He talks in small bursts. “Is that…boy watching out…for you?”
    “Parker? Yes. He’s at Mom’s house now with Lily.”

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