Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)

Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) by Unknown

Book: Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
probably going to think this is a huge coincidence, but I’m very familiar with Aiden and Marcus,” she says.
                  I flinch. Oh my god! Did she fuck both of them or something?
                  She sees my expression and instantly starts talking.
                  “Oh, no. Not in the way you’re thinking. Sorry about that,” she says laughing nervously. “Do you know what happened between him and his wife? The details of how she left him?” she asks me.
                  I nod in agreement, wanting her to continue.
                  “Well, the guy that she left Aiden for…that was my former boyfriend,” she says embarrassed.
                  “You’ve got to be shitting me?!” I yell, looking around to see if anybody heard my outburst.
                  Thankfully no one did.  I need to make sure I use my inside voice. Pretend you’re in a library or something, Emma.
                  “I told you it was a small town. Everybody knows everybody, unfortunately. My ex, Brian, uh, I hate even saying his name, they ran off together as you well know. He had been hooking up with her before she moved to California with Aiden. We started dating around that time and I had no idea. I found out that he ran away with her from a text he sent me.”
                  I give her an incredulous look. What a fucking cocksucker! Wow, I’ve never met this guy but from what I know about Jessica, they are perfect together. A match made in hell.
                  “Yeah, I know. The text basically said I found someone prettier and younger than you. She’s better in bed, blah, blah, blah, pretty much all the things that you never want to hear from the person you love and were with for years. At the time I was heartbroken but I got over it. He did me a favor, and I realize that now. I won’t lie and say that I’ve had even worse relationships since then but I’m learning. I’m finally standing on my own two feet and growing a backbone,” she says triumphantly.
                  Her eyes look away from me as she fidgets with her fingers. What? Why is she all nervous now?
                  “So, about Marcus,” she says.
                  I cringe, only imagining what she’s about to say.
                  “He’s…there are rumors that he does a lot of illegal things, I guess. Drugs mainly. I haven’t had much contact over the years with him, but we did grow up together. All through school actually,” she says frowning.
                  “I never had a run in with him but the other girls would talk about him. He was kind of a player and hooked up a lot. They said how he would choke them and tie them up during sex. Not in the kinky way but in a harmful way. Some even admitted that they passed out during. I think that they were really stupid and thought that it was just taboo sex.”
                  “He would always get into fights with other guys during school about stupid things. Like if somebody looked at him the wrong way. I heard that Aiden and Marcus had a scuffle a few days ago, and I was shocked because I haven’t heard about Marcus in years. He doesn’t date anybody, I don’t think. I don’t know…something about him bothers me. I don’t trust him and obviously with good reason if he’s harassing you. What did he say to you exactly, if you don’t mind me asking?”
                  “He pretty much goaded me and told me that he wanted me to attack him. He said that after I did, that I would be punished. He would snap my arm and choke me. Aiden and he got into a fight over me. He told Aiden that we slept together when I got into town, which is fucking impossible. I went home with Aiden the first night I arrived,” I say blushing.
                  Well if she doesn’t already think I’m a slut, she does

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