Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts by Jennifer Foor

Book: Folding Hearts by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Foor
night with no regard as to what would happen afterwards. We were friends and he had made it clear that was all we were. Whatever happened between us was just us thinkin g without our minds. Neither of us wanted to get involved with each other.
    I had seduced my share of guys and none of those times had ended with a healthy friendship. Ty and I needed to take a break from each other, in order to forget that either of us ever considered takin g things further.
    Tucker was convicted of assault and sentenced to one year in jail. He was order ed to attend drug and alcohol classes while incarcerated. As much as I appreciated that he was behind bars , it still didn’t make me feel any better about my life or current situation. I had nothing to show for as far as a future for me and my daughter.
    A month went by before I was able to pick up the phone for one of Ty’s calls and then I felt so embarrassed for waiting so long that I couldn’t figure out what to even say. He asked a million questions about Bella and even if he could video chat with her. I felt bad for keeping him from her. He hadn’t done anything to dese rve being shut out. I was acting like an immature child. He clearly cared so much about my daughter. I was an asshole.
    I s pent the next four months trying to get my life back on track. Since Lucy’s kids were both moved ou t, she actually enjoyed watching Bella while I took cosmetology classes. I was lucky enough to have a mother that offered to pay f or any kind of further schooling I was interested in, but I had to admit t hat school just wasn’t something I was ever really good at.
    With me being so busy, I hardly had time to even think about my friendship with Ty or lack thereof .  I couldn ’t say it was for lack of trying on his part. He called or text ed at least three times a week. Apparently he had gotten a job at a local shop working on cars. He said the money was pretty good and he didn’t mind workin g a nine to five job during the week. What that really mean t was that it helped him not be so lonely. He rarely talked about Van, but I knew he missed having her around. They still talked often, but with her and Colt’s wedding coming up, I could imagine the conversations weren’t to his liking.
    Speaking of the wedding, it was only months away. Van had decided on an outdoor theme here at the ranch. Colt and Conne r had been working to restore an old red barn where the service was to be held. The thing hadn’t been usable in at least ten years and was filled with random farming equipment. I got that Colt wanted everything to be perfect for the big day, but he could have built a brand new barn in less time.
    Things finally seemed almost normal. Our family was back to normal cy. Mundane days led to relaxing nights curled up on a couc h watching sitcoms. And watching mundane sitc oms was exactly what I was doing when I got the call.
    I was sitting next to Lucy watching a popular singing competition when my cell phone rang with a blocked number. I had no idea who it could have been, but I answered it anyway. My friends played jokes and cranked called people when we were younge r so I just assumed it was going to be a fun kind of call, in fact I answered it with a sarcastic tone and waited for whoever to hand me some punch line.
    The voice on the other end sent the fear of God into me.
    “You think you can just go about your life like you didn’t ruin mine? You better watch your back you little bitch. I am getting out early and when I am through wit h you, they won’t be a b le to identify either of the bodies. I am goin’ to cut you slow so you can watch yourself bleed out. ”
    I threw the phone on the floor and just stared at it for a moment. Bella was asleep in the porta-crib just feet away, so I knew she was safe. I picked up the phone and started screaming into it. “Don’t you dare threaten me or my family you…….hello? Hello?”
    Lucy had already stood up and grabbed the phone out of my

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