Follow You Down

Follow You Down by Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb Page A

Book: Follow You Down by Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb
talking to, but I’m not gonna sit here and listen to you spew bullshit at me like that.”
    She takes another step toward me, but I bypass her and walk to my truck, opening the door. “Ya know, I should have ended this years ago when I knew you had feelings, but I was a selfish dick and didn’t. That’s my own fault, so for that, I’m sorry. But if you think I’m going to let you talk shit about Dani, to me especially, well, you’re just as crazy as your fucking cousin.” I shut the door and crank my truck. She is still standing there looking at me with tears running down her face.
    I roll down my window. “Candice, move your car.”
    “Lucas, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just want the best for you, and you don’t even know this girl. For all you know, she could be crazy. But I know you, Lucas. We are already good together. Imagine how great we could be if we were in a real relationship. I’m good for you, Lucas.”
    “Candice, right now the only person who I think is crazy is you. Move your car. This is over.”
    I roll my window back up and stare straight while she cries and cusses next to me for a few moments, stomping her foot like a toddler who just got her favorite toy taken away. She screams that this isn’t over and walks to her car, gets in, and peels out of my driveway.
    I honk the horn to let Logan know it’s safe to come back outside. I rest my head on the steering wheel. Well, that was interesting. I completely deserve it though; I know I do. I fucked with a girl’s heart for years. I deserve for it to come back and bite me in the ass, but I won’t let her and Nikki fuck with Dani, and I know that’s what they plan to do. Logan doesn’t try to talk to me when he gets in the truck. He knows I don’t really discuss personal shit with anyone. If I want to talk to him about it, I will. No need to ask questions. He hasn’t been drilling me about Dani, even though I know he wants to. He asked me who Nikki was the other day. When I asked why, he said some girl had approached him at Ricky’s and introduced herself as my friend and told him her name was Nikki. Luckily, that was all she said and I was able to play it off as just a random chick I had slept with. Nothing more.
    Nikki is a conniving bitch. Ever since I found out Lisa wasn’t mine, she has been doing anything and everything to fuck up my life. She even called my mother and told her that Lisa was actually my kid, but I signed my rights over. Luckily, my mother was with me the day I opened the DNA results so she knew that was total bullshit.
    She showed up at my work for months afterwards trying to talk to me. She lost her shit, so I know exactly what she is capable of. I know Dani can handle herself though. She stood up to Nikki once already, and I know, given the need to, she wouldn’t be scared to do it again.
    I pull into Ricky’s and park my truck. “Thanks for being so cool with Molly since we had that talk.” I’m so caught up in my own thoughts that I almost miss the fact that Logan is talking to me.
    Since the night he and I got into it in my truck, I have been working really hard to be welcoming to Molly and keep an open mind about everything. I don’t understand her situation. I really just don’t fucking get it at all, but it’s none of my business. Logan is happy, that’s the only thing I care about. And as long as Molly is the reason he’s happy, she’s good in my book.
    We walk in together and I see Justin already sitting at a high top table that Wynee has just set beers down on. We sit for a few moments, Justin and I talking about nothing in particular, but Logan has his eyes set on Molly.
    Wynee walks right up and slaps him in the back of the head. “Easy, killer, we wouldn’t want your eyes to pop out of your head onto my nice clean table.” Wynee, Justin, and I laugh at her statement. She is so right.
    “Come on, Wynee, give the guy a break. It’s obvious that he’s borderline obsessed with the

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