Follow You Down

Follow You Down by Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb Page B

Book: Follow You Down by Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb
girl; let’s not make it any worse.” I elbow Logan in the ribs while cracking the joke.
    Wynee turns her attention toward me. “Oh, Lucas, if you think Logan’s got it bad, you should see the way you watch Dani Girl behind that bar. I guess it runs in the Wade blood to pine over women who are oblivious to your advances.” I laugh hard at her last statement as she walks away. If she only knew.
    “Ha! I told you it wasn’t just me who could see it, asshat! Now, will you admit you feel something for that girl already and get it over with?”
    I think about just saying that Dani and I are good friends when I see her out of the corner of my eye at the bar. She is pouring a whisky on the rocks for some pretty boy in a suit. She’s leaning over the counter, pushing her chest right in his face, laughing at his jokes, and stroking his arm. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I’ve never really been jealous, but right now, I want to turn pretty boy’s face purple.
    I turn my attention back to Logan. “Tell me, baby brother, how I’m supposed to admit a damn thing when she is over there basically begging Mr. Moneybags to take her out back for a quickie?” I know her ex was a rich son of a bitch, so I guess that’s the type she goes for. Maybe I read her all wrong. Maybe she’s not the strong, independent girl I think I know. Maybe she’s just like every other female out there, looking for someone to take care of her. “I do feel something for Dani though, pity. I feel pity for that girl who thinks every bozo with a hefty paycheck is going to make her pathetic fucking life better.”
    From the looks on Justin and Logan’s faces, I know I’ve gone too far. I don’t mean what I said. I’m just kind of pissed off by what I’m seeing, and mad at myself that I even give a shit. Just physical, that’s all that is between us.
    Justin pipes in, “All right, man, that’s enough. Dani’s good people. I don’t know what’s going on between y’all, but I can’t sit here and let you talk about her like that. You obviously know something about her that we don’t, and maybe you should keep whatever it is to yourself.” I feel like shit now. Justin never calls anyone out on anything, so the fact he feels he needs to defend Dani to me, makes me look like an even bigger asshole.
    “I’m sorry, man. This girl’s just got me all tied up in knots and I don’t know what to do about it. Maybe I should just head home for the night. I can’t sit here and drink, and watch her act like that. I’m going to end up doing something I will seriously regret, like fuck up my already small chance with her. Can Molly give you a ride home, little brother?” I can’t believe I just purged my fucking feelings like that. I can’t believe that I feel like this at all. Molly walks up, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. “Well, of course I can, Lucas, but why the hell are you leaving already?” She must have just heard the tail end of our conversation. Thank God, she didn’t hear me bashing Dani or spreading my bullshit feelings around for everyone to see.
    I look at Molly. “Hey, Molls, I think I’m just tired from work. I’m gonna call it a night.”
    She eyes me sympathetically. “For what it’s worth, Luc, she talks about you a lot. She’s just been through some things lately, and I don’t know what they are, but whatever’s going on, she’s still trying to deal with it. Just give her some time; she’ll come around.”
    I want to tell her that I know what Dani has been through and she has come around. Come around my dick more times than I can count.
    I don’t know what the fuck happened between the time I left her apartment this morning and now to make her openly show this guy so much attention. As a bartender, I know she needs to flirt some; that’s how she makes tips, but this, this is more than working for tips. She’s been all over this guy since I walked in, so much that she hasn’t even noticed I’m

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