Fool's Gold: Carson Lyle's War - Part One

Fool's Gold: Carson Lyle's War - Part One by Thomas J. Rock

Book: Fool's Gold: Carson Lyle's War - Part One by Thomas J. Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas J. Rock
Tags: Military science fiction
up the launch sequence.
    Those agents are gonna shit their nanotech when they find their pilots.
    The comm chirped, followed by a voice over the speaker.
    "Majestic one-one-seven, your take off authorization is not on file. Transmit your departure code."
    The voice was familiar. Then he remembered, it was the same controller that brought him in.
    "El Dorado control, stand by." He muted the channel and turned to Kagan. "Now what?"
    But Kagan was already working on the data pad. "Where's your input?"
    Lyle pointed. Kagan connected the patch cable, tapped the pad a few times and after a few seconds, gave Lyle the thumbs up.
    "Majestic one-one-seven, your clearance has been received. Depart at your convenience." There was a pause, then the controller said, "Good luck."
    Lyle engaged the lifting thrusters, and pulled the collective to fifty-five percent, then tapped a button to release the docking clamps. The ship shuttered sharply as it pulled free from the dock. The three mountains each had to grab onto something to keep their footing.
    The Majestic rose into the air and began to turn as soon as it was clear of nearby structures
    "Set course heading to the Atlantia gate, best speed you can without drawing attention, then break for the Outer Rim gate once we're past the nav buoys," said Kagan.
    "Yessir," Lyle said, snapping a sarcastic salute.

    Chapter 16
    The Majestic was true to her name, as she smoothly passed through the upper atmosphere. The gold borealis of El Dorado lit up the ship's control cabin, bathing Lyle and the three mountains in waves of gold illumination. For just a minute, Lyle almost forgot why he was there and allowed himself a few moments to imagine what the ship would look like from a chase view. The picture in is mind was captivating.
    Lyle's revery was broken by Dex snapping his fingers for attention.
    "What is it?" Kagan said.
    Dex was listening intently to an earpiece. "The local law enforcement net just lit up…Now the Naval Corps net has increased traffic."
    "What are they saying?"
    Dex made adjustments on the box he connected to the console. "They're recalling the CAP from the far side of the border."
    Kagan scowled. "Didn't expect that so soon." He turned to Lyle. "Change course for the Outer Rim gate. Boost now!"
    "Better grab on to something," Lyle said. He flipped some more switches on the console, took hold of the throttle lever with his right hand, and pushed it forward. There was a rumbling throughout the ship that grew louder and louder. As the speed increased, the turbulence effect caused by passing through clouds was amplified. G-forces pushed mercilessly on Lyle and the others. He had to strain to stay upright in the command chair and keep a strong hold on the controls. The green bar indicator on the acceleration meter moved past six Gs.
    The ship continued shaking violently as it ripped through the atmosphere and into orbital space. As El Dorado's gravity lost its grip on The Majestic , there were groans from the hull as things came back into shape. The high G acceleration lessened the nauseating transition to weightlessness. Lyle was thankful for that.
    "Where are those fighters?" Kagan said.
    "I don't have them on my scope yet," said Lyle.
    "You won't," Varga said. "They patrol the border with Stealth Ravens. I'll be able to catch 'em over here, but not until they're closer." He pointed to the box he had connected to the sensor station.
    Dex said, "The radio traffic puts them eight minutes out. They've got orders to fire on us."
    Kagan looked to Lyle. "You get this ship to that gate ahead of those fighters!"
    "They're not getting this ship again. I'll blow it up myself before that happens," Lyle said. His tone was defiant.
    The Majestic raced through space. The clock for them to reach the jump gate was nearly one to one with the clock for the fighters to reach them. And that time was only estimated by what Dex was somehow able to

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