Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three)

Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three) by Rissa Blakeley Page B

Book: Fractured Hearts (Shattered Lives, Book Three) by Rissa Blakeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rissa Blakeley
pull. Three loud swallows later, the bottle came to a rest on his knee.
    “I really could go for a drink,” she muttered. She held out her hand, waiting for him to pass her the bottle.
    “Were you just making sure it wasn’t poisoned or something?” He handed her the bottle. Just as she took a small sip, he collapsed on the ground, writhing around.
    “Gunther!” Jumping off the swing, she dropped the bottle and knelt beside him. “I’m going to get Quinn…” She tried to get up, but he grabbed her ankle and held her down.
    “Gotcha,” he laughed, but it turned into a scream when her foot was planted right into his crown jewels. “Fuck!” He grabbed himself, rolling onto his side with a hiss.
    “You asshole! Why did you do that?!”
    “I was kidding. God, bird. Sarcasm… Ever hear of it?” He balled himself into a fetal position, groaning in pain.
    “Don’t use it against me like that!”
    “I wasn’t. Bloody hell.” He finally sat up, still holding his parts together as if they would’ve fallen off if he let go. “I was trying to have a little fun. Damn, bird. You know, I was injured there a bit ago. My junk was black-and-blue for weeks.”
    “Oh, you poor thing. You had to go without fucking for a while?”
    Gunther laughed in between his grimaces. “No. Everything was in working order, so I still went for it. It was excruciating, but it was absolutely amazing. It was our first time. I’ll never forget it. Bloody amazing .”
    “That’s great. Thanks for sharing.” Yet again with the eye roll.
    Spotting the bottle, he grabbed it and took another long pull. Elaina picked up a handful of pebbles and aimlessly tossed them around.
    Movement across the way grabbed her attention. She reached back, touching Gunther’s leg.
    “You do understand I’m monogamous now, right?”
    “Not that, you asshole,” she growled, pointing over to the storefront.
    The movement was purposeful, not the staggering undead type of gait.
    In a blink, Gunther shifted into program mode, his voice a mere whisper, “Go around the back, get inside, and alert the others. I want Josie and Thomas guarding the doors. I want you and Nick armed and stationed outside, but hidden out of sight.”
    He set the bottle down and got up, leading the way back to the school. They parted ways at the trucks.

Chapter 7
    Gunther snuck around the corner of the school, squatting behind the only bushes still alive. On high alert, he had his Sig out and ready, watching for more movement.
    An older man darted from behind the store to the pile of rubble on his right. Gunther looked for a way to run across the road unnoticed. Deciding to just go for it, he needed to come up behind them and halt their progression.
    His quick footsteps were silent. Pressing against the front left corner of the building, he stole a glance around the side. Clear. Gunther ran around, heading for the back of the building.
    Another glance showed him four adults peeking around the opposite corner. The older man signaled with a wave for the others to follow. The gravel crunched behind Gunther. He whipped around, his Sig aimed in front of him.
    Curling his lip into a snarl, he was irate Nick didn’t follow instructions. Gunther held one finger to his lips, then he held his hand up.
    Three fingers…
    Two Fingers…
    Heart pounding within his chest, Nick focused on the last finger as Gunther peeked around the corner again.
    He hoped Nick was ready for an altercation as he lowered the last finger. Both jumped out from the side of the building, their Sigs aimed at the strangers.
    “Stand down! Stand down!” Gunther screamed. The younger man of the group reached inside his pocket. “Don’t even think about it. I will take you out without blinking.” He slid his hand out of his pocket and held them in front of his chest. “Hands up, everyone! Walk out front.” He waved his gun toward the road. “I said move!” Instructing Nick to stay behind the group, Gunther

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