Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Page A

Book: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
black wolf continued to snarl, turning his attack on this new rival, the grey wolf sank its teeth into the black wolf's leg. With a yelp of pain, the black wolf backed off, and limped as fast as he could into the forest.
    The grey wolf turned around and was staring at me, his eyes the color of grass and honey. Kian's hand flew to the dagger, and my hand stayed his. This wolf I would have recognized anywhere. My heart leaped as the wolf and I stepped forward toward each other.
    Before I could reach him, the grey wolf transformed into the handsome young man I knew – the same familiar honey-brown hair, the same soulful dark eyes, which remained fixed upon me. “Breena...” he whispered, his voice throaty and hoarse. “I thought you were dead...” His voice trailed off. “What are you...” He rushed towards me, and before Kian or I could protest I was in his arms, held tight. I smelled that familiar woodland scent upon him – the smell that I associated most with home, with safety, with the woods of Gregory that we had both wandered together, growing up. Logan brought my face up to meet his. He searched my face, unable to believe I was back, in his arms. “How I've missed you....Breena.” His lips met mine in a passionate kiss of longing and despair. “I thought you’d die. It was the most horrible day in my life. I don’t understand. Why are you here? What happened?”
    As he held me in his arms, rocking me back and forth, I swallowed back my tears. I loved him, my dear friend, but how could I tell him our engagement was brought on by a spell, by Wort, and that the Pixies planned my death, that I was now part of Kian, of the Winter Fey. He still thought we were engaged, that we would marry. How could I break his heart and tell him that it was Kian who truly had my love?
    “And you!” Logan snarled at Kian, his voice booming like the Wolf Prince that he was. “I saw what happened, Kian! I saw what you did! Breena, how could you trust him after what he did to you?” Logan's voice shook with emotion. “I went through hell and back, after I saw what I saw. Saw him – him – stabbing you to death, then running off like the coward he was! Some of us Summer Knights went after him, but the Winter Queen cut down anyone who tried. She would do whatever it took to protect that – that faithless piece of trash over there!” He turned his gaze to Kian. “How dare you come back here now after all you've done to Breena, to our Kingdom? I missed a chance to kill you once, Prince. I won't miss that chance again!”
    He turned away from me and brought his fist square into Kian's jaw. Kian stumbled backwards, his hand instinctively rushing to his dagger, as Logan delivered him a second blow.
    “No, stop,” I cried. “Please, Logan, you have to listen to me. Kian didn’t harm me. He didn’t stab me. It was Delano. Delano glamoured as Kian just like Wort's Pixies glamoured as Summer Knights, to start the war over again and pick up the pieces themselves. Delano kidnapped me – that's where I've been...”
    Logan stumbled back, disbelief written all over his face. “Is that true?” Logan emitted a low growl. “Because if it isn't, Prince, I'll make sure you pay for what you did with your life! Don't protect him, Breena!”
    Kian wiped the silver blood from his mouth with his hand. “It is all true, Wolf,” he said, his voice making clear his disdain. “If you used your head instead of brute violence perhaps you would have spared yourself a pair of grazed knuckles.” His voice grew serious. “You know that I would never harm Breena. I would die before I did such a thing. You know what it is like to love Breena, Logan. Would you ever hurt her? No – then why could you ever think that I would?”
    “I see.” Logan looked down, then looked Kian up and down warily. I knew what he was thinking – why was I with my old love instead of with him?
    “It's Delano's fault, Logan,” I said softly. “Not Kian's.”

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