Over You
the sheet of paper from the stack, she glanced at the date. It was fifty years old. Intrigued, she read the handwritten letter.
    My dearest William,
    I wanted to let you know how much I truly enjoyed the meal you prepared for me. I know you are a very busy man and that you don’t spend very much time cooking, so it meant the world to me that you would take the time to prepare my favorite dish. It turned out beautifully.  
    My hope is that you are not doing this because you pity me, but rather because you choose to spend time with me and enjoy my company as much as I enjoy yours. I look forward to spending time with you again.
    I wonder who William is, Jessica thought as she reread the letter. Then she recalled her aunt saying that the belongings of the previous owner were still in the attic. These must be his, she realized.
    Curious if there were more letters, Jessica looked through the papers she’d taken out of the box and found several more. Then she searched through the box until she was satisfied that she’d found them all. She carried the stack out of the attic and down the stairs to the second floor of the house. Pausing at the base of the stairs, she made sure she could hear Kyle working, then ventured out into the hallway and into her room, closing the door behind her.
    Placing the letters on her bed, she arranged them in chronological order, with the oldest ones on top. Then she carried the stack to the chair in the corner of her room and settled in to read. The first one she’d found was also the oldest and she set that aside before turning to the next one, which was dated two weeks after the first.
    My dearest William,
    I hope you can forgive me for the ugly words I said. I really do care about you—more deeply than I should. It’s simply that I had trouble believing that you meant the things you said to me. But after thinking about it, I know you were telling me the truth. You’ve been nothing but honest and kind and you didn’t deserve to be called a liar.  
    Sadly, I’m unaccustomed to being told the truth by the men in my life. I promise that I won’t doubt you again.
    Jessica found herself getting caught up in the budding relationship between William and B, whoever she was. She picked up the next letter, which was dated two months after the previous one.
    My dearest William,
    The time we spent together last night was an oasis in the middle of my troubled life. I regret that I haven’t been available to be with you for the past weeks, but as you know, it can’t be helped. If we are to continue our relationship, I must meet my other obligations without fail. We both know what will happen if I don’t.
    I will do all within my power to come see you the very moment I can get away.
    Jessica was becoming more intrigued with each letter. Who was B and why was she having so much difficulty seeing the man she obviously adored? Jessica set the letter aside and saw the next one was dated several weeks later.  
    My dearest William,
    He came home early from his business trip and nearly caught me after I had left your warm embrace and traveled home. Fortunately, he was distracted and failed to notice that I had forgotten to place my wedding ring upon my finger. I was able to slip it back on before he bothered to speak to me though, so all is well.
    Although the fear of his wrath makes me pause, the thought of never seeing you again makes me weep. I know it is not fair to you that we keep our relationship secret, but I am not yet ready to consider the consequences of leaving him. I love you all the more for understanding.  
    I do not deserve you.
    Nearly gasping in surprise at the revelation that B was a married woman having an affair, Jessica eagerly turned to the next letter, anxious to know what would happen next. Surprised to see the next letter was dated only a few days later, Jessica read on.
    My dearest William,
    Though I haven’t been able to see you, I needed to write to you.

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