Frostbite: Vampire Academy
stopped paying attention to my feet. I was too close to the red line. Going outside of it was another point for her, so I scrambled to stay within and dodge her at the same time. Unfortunately, only one of those could work. Her fist came flying at me, fast and hard-and, perhaps most importantly, a bit higher than the permissable according to rules of this kind of exercise. It smacked me in the face with the power of a small truck, and I flew backward, hitting the hard gym floor back-first and head-second. And I was out of the lines. Damn it.
    Pain cracked through the back of my head, and my vision went blurry and sparkly. Within seconds, my mother was leaning over me.
    "Rose? Rose? Are you okay?" Her voice sounded hoarse and frantic. The world swam.
    At some point after that, other people came, and I somehow wound up in the Academy's med clinic. There, someone shone a light in my eyes and started asking me incredibly idiotic questions.
    "What's your name?"
    "What?" I asked, squinting at the light.
    "Your name." I recognized Dr. Olendzki peering over me.
    "You know my name."
    "I want you to tell me."
    "Rose. Rose Hathaway."
    "Do you know your birthday?"
    "Of course I do. Why are you asking me such stupid things? Did you lose my records?"
    Dr. Olendzki gave an exasperated sigh and walked off, taking the annoying light with her. "I think she's fine," I heard her tell someone. "I want to keep her here for the school day, just to make sure she doesn't have a concussion. I certainly don't want her anywhere near her guardian classes."
    I spent the day moving in and out of sleep because Dr. Olendzki kept waking me up to do her tests. She also gave me an ice pack and told me to keep it close to my face. When the Academy's classes let out, she deemed me well enough to leave.
    "I swear, Rose, I think you should have a frequent patient's card." There was a small smile on her face. "Short of those with chronic problems like allergies and asthma, I don't think there's any other student I've seen here so often in such a short period of time."
    "Thanks," I said, not really sure I wanted the honor. "So, no concussion?"
    She shook her head. "No. You're going to have some pain, though. I'll give you something for that before you go." Her smile faded, and suddenly she looked nervous. "To be honest, Rose, I think most of the damage happened to, well, your face."
    I shot up from the bed. "What do you mean 'most of the damage happened to my face'?"
    She gestured to the mirror above the sink on the far side of the room. I ran over to it and looked at my reflection.
    "Son of a bitch!"
    Purplish red splotches covered the upper portion of the left side of my face, particularly near the eye. Desperately, I turned around to face her.
    "This is going to go away soon, right? If I keep the ice on it?"
    She shook her head again. "The ice can help…but I'm afraid you're going to have a wicked black eye. It'll probably be at its worst tomorrow but should clear up in a week or so. You'll be back to normal before long."
    I left the clinic in a daze that had nothing to do with my head injury. Clear up in a week or so? How could Dr. Olendzki speak so lightly about this? Didn't she realize what was happening? I was going to look like a mutant for Christmas and most of the ski trip. I had a black eye. A freaking black eye.
    And my mother had given it to me.

    I angrily pushed through the double doors that led into the Moroi dorm. Snow swirled in behind me, and a few people lingering on the main floor glanced up upon my entrance. Not surprisingly, several of them did double takes. Swallowing, I forced myself not to react. It would be okay. No need to freak out. Novices got injured all the time. It was actually rarer not to get injured. Admittedly, this was a more noticeable injury than most, but I could live with it until it healed, right? And it wasn't like anyone would know how I'd received it.
    "Hey Rose, is it true your own mother punched you?"

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