Future Winds

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Book: Future Winds by Kevin Laymon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Laymon
just how crucial it is that we construct our great city and ensure the safety for all future generations. Now I know what society asks of you is not easy, but I assure you, we all bear this burden and share in this troubling time. In the coming weeks more carriers, with supplies, food, and workforce will be warped into Flare as humanity shifts its existence from one galaxy to another. Turning back is not an option, our home world draws closer to its inevitable demise every passing second, of every passing minute. So I ask you to hang in there, we will all be joining you soon to join forces in reconstructing the pillars that support the foundation of humanity. Goodnight and God bless.”
    The glass screen was again clear as the broadcast ended and Ness couldn’t help but get shivers. He always saw the president of the United Intergalactic Movement to be a man for the people, someone anyone could relate to, but not all shared his, perhaps naive, view of their leader.
    The crowd argued and bickered amongst each other following the announcement, forcing the guards to taze four rowdy inhabitants and haul them off to solitary confinement for a few hours.
    The emotions of everyone were high strung following the ‘day one massacre.’ Ness just hoped the military's plan of action would be quick and effective, so everyone could return to looking collectively forward to tomorrow.
    He laid his head back down in his bunk and closed his eyes. In just a few short hours, the crews were again to set out and pursue construction phase, this time with beefed up security.
    Just as sunrise approached, Leon, Kaito, and Tyler grouped up near the warp gate.
    Leon dropped two large cylinders into the dirt. Their weight kicked dust up into the air. Then he unholster one of his pistols with his right hand and screwed one of two smaller cylinders he still carried onto the barrel of his weapon. He followed by doing the same to his second pistol.
    “Suppressors-- the larger one is for your rifle Kaito and the smaller for you, Ty. We don’t have any for Aries’ weaponry so it is important while in the cave, you do not fire your weapons,” Leon said looking up to Aries.
    “Understood,” The bot complied.
    “Last time Kaito and I were in there, I was forced to pop a few shots. If we must engage we must do so quietly, not foolishly. This is considered a recon mission and I would very much like to return alive. I am sure the two of you can agree with me on that.”
    Tyler nodded in confirmation as he screwed his suppressor to the barrel of his assault rifle, while Kaito just stared at Leon with a look of concern.
    “Come here a second,” Leon said, signaling Aries to ascend closer to him. She drifted down to his level. He then pulled a small computer chip from deep within his pocket and inserted it into one of the bot’s data trays. “Install this software update. That is going to rework your comm systems and allow us to communicate back to New Horizon despite the planet’s interference.”
    “So, what are we looking for? We know there is some seriously creepy stuff in that cave. Why do we have to go in again, just the three of us?” Kaito asked. His pale face suggest he was well beyond the point of being afraid of going back in once more.
    “Our primary goal will be to escort Aries in so she can ping down the tunnel and hopefully get a good sonar reading of what we are dealing with in there. Our hopes are that the bugs call the cave their one and only home. If we can confirm this, we will call in a smart bomb to travel down into the heart of the tunnel after we analyze the detailed map Aries ultimately draws for us.”
    It was as good a plan as ever, hell it better be... I worked it over in my head all night, Leon thought.
    Abram opened his eyes to the throbbing pain coming from his wrists. He was tied up onto a wall via sharp, thick, thorny vines. Before him was a thin, pale, naked woman hanging from a cross with a

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