Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)
on those bars!

WHY HE Competes
    Interracial Lust within the World of Espionage
    Ricardo Alvez is quite possibly, the greatest paradox going. A playboy; the ego-sensitive CEO of a multi-national textiles company, inherited from his late father. A helpless slave to his senses and desires. You will bear witness to the lustful side of domination and submission; both being used as a business tool as Ricardo attempts to neutralize any threats to his late-father’s empire. The bank account he now possesses is as big as my hilltop villa, located near the border of Venezuela, with plenty of land to indulge himself in, as his second favorite pastime is of riding horses. The billionaire’s lifestyle is as luxurious and fun as everyone imagines it to be with private G5 jets and lavish yachts. Having money does make one happy, and Ricardo surely knows how lucky he is. The ripped muscular body of an alpha-male coupled with the good looks of a movie star just adds to his desirability. Oh, and his favorite past time? Full blown, dominating and sinful sex.
                  I am Mia Samson; an assassin for hire from the Ivory Coast, sent by United States Senator, Robert McCormack. My objective is to track down and eliminate: one Ricardo Alvez. My initial research into my subject proves that he is quiet elusive when it comes to being in the public eye. Born in Colombia and raised in New Hampshire, he is now the wealthy owner of a multi-billion dollar textile corporation. He fell afoul of the senator when he embarrassed him in front of the US Senate after exposing a corruption ring within Colombia that seemed to lead right back to him. I don’t get involved in politics and could care less why my subject must be eliminated. The job pays extremely well and seems simple enough; it should prove easy for an ex-military sharpshooter such as myself. This time though, no firearms will be used. Even though Ricardo keeps a low profile, it is New York where I will be taking him out. He has too many friends in Colombia to attempt the job there so this is really my only open window of opportunity. The latest intelligence informs me that Ricardo is spending the weekend in New York in his penthouse at the Hilton hotel. Rumors are going around that he loves women and dancing. I will use my figure to lure the billionaire right into my trap. Arriving in the US only yesterday, I am still suffering from jetlag. However, I do not have the luxury of time as Ricardo has been known to spontaneously jet back and forth between Colombia and several other countries at short notice; it has to be now, it has to be tonight. He has left his abode and is now making his way on foot, down Broadway. I follow; in a tight black dress that splits down the middle and one that shows off my voluptuous double D breasts. My black shiny hair is hanging loose over my shoulders. I have always used the benefits of my good looks and body to my advantage. Few men have been able to resist me, and even fewer have been granted the pleasure. As for one Ricardo Alvez, I’m led to believe he has a particular weakness for ebony women… let’s see how long he can resist my African figure tonight!
    Ricardo Alvez is strolling along the sidewalk before he suddenly stops and darts sideward into a low key Latino club; perfect! I swiftly make my way to the line and begin talking with a random male bystander. The poor guy thinks he’s struck gold and happily agrees to go into the club with me. At least coming in with somebody won’t arouse any suspicion.  Upon entering I make my excuses to the hopeful guy and make my way towards the bar. The club is hot and steamy.  Salsa music is blaring as people twist and turn around me shaking their hips and tapping their feet. It has been a while since I have been to one of these places. Dancing has always been important to me, which is precisely why I have kept myself in such good shape… that and my

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