Ghost Boy of Mackenzie House

Ghost Boy of Mackenzie House by Patti Larsen Page A

Book: Ghost Boy of Mackenzie House by Patti Larsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patti Larsen
Aunt Larry anyway. She found an old sock and dusted the book clean. She climbed into bed with it and took it with her into her tent. Fingers trembling with excitement, she opened the cover.
    The paper was thin and brittle, little bits of the edges breaking off in her fingers. It was yellowed with age and looked like it might have gotten wet at some point, drying with wavy light-brown borders around the pages. Inside the front cover was a sketch of a small house, faded but still visible. On the facing page she read:
    The Private Journal of J.
    Chloe ran her fingertips over the words. “Hi, J,” she said. She flipped the page. It clung to the next one by the corner. It took her a couple of soft tugs to get them apart. The first page was dated December 25, 1941.
    My Christmas present is perfect! Momma knew what I wanted. I shall keep all of my thoughts and feelings in this book and share them with no one until I am a famous author someday.
    Chloe smiled. He sounded kind of like Marsh.
    December 26, 1941
    J is jealous and tried to take my journal. He wants to read it. He seems to think that just because he is my twin brother I should share everything with him, but I disagree. To my relief, so does Momma. I have decided to secret this journal in the oldest part of the house, safe from prying eyes. If you are reading this and you are not me, please put this journal back.
    Chloe felt slightly guilty for ignoring J’s request, like a bit of a snoop. Still, she turned the page, eager to go on, but the paper was stuck again. Not wanting to tear it, she closed it instead. Her eyes were getting heavy anyway and she wanted to be able to read it all the way through.
    He wouldn’t have shown me where it was if he didn’t want me to read it, she told herself in an effort to ease the pang of guilt.
    Chloe kissed her parents’ photo good night and placed it between the first two pages of the book before tucking the whole thing under her pillow. As she switched off her flashlight and set it aside, she whispered into the quiet of her room.
    â€œGood night, J,” she said. “Thanks for the book. I promise I’ll read it all and find out what happened so I can help you.” It felt very important for her to do it.
    For the first time since she had arrived, Chloe fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Chapter Sixteen
    Chloe was halfway through breakfast before Aunt Larry brought it up.
    â€œWhat were you doing out and around so late last night?” Her aunt was sipping her cup of coffee and looking right at her. Chloe’s heart stopped. She hadn’t been as careful as she thought.
    â€œNothing,” she said, focusing her attention on her toast and peanut butter.
    â€œI don’t like you wandering around the house in the middle of the night,” Aunt Larry said. “You could fall down the stairs and hurt yourself.”
    â€œI’m okay,” Chloe said. “Honest. I just… ” She hated lying to her aunt but couldn’t tell her the truth. “I was going to the bathroom and thought I heard something downstairs.”
    â€œEven worse,” Aunt Larry said, but she was smiling. “You’re braver than you should be. Braver than I am.” She chuckled. “Next time, come get me, okay?”
    Chloe filled her mouth with toast so she wouldn’t have to say anything else. Her deception seemed to have worked because her aunt changed the subject.
    â€œWe’ve been invited to the MacKenzies’,” she said. “Sunday is big meal day here. Mary thought you’d like to taste a real Island chicken dinner.”
    Chloe almost choked on her breakfast. Chicken! She struggled to swallow as the cute little chickens from Marsh’s yard pranced through her memory. Larry was laughing at her.
    â€œDon’t worry,” she said, understanding Chloe’s reluctance. “Nobody you know.”
    Chloe giggled. “Good,” she said.

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