Give Me Something

Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee

Book: Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lee
specimen, he was also a living legend among his fraternity brothers.  At first I thought it was because he was so popular with the ladies, but I learned that it was more than that.  He was in charge of the fraternity's philanthropy, he was a master at organizing parties, and he genuinely cared for his brothers.  The guys were always asking for Tucker's advice or opinion.  It bordered on worship, but he remained humble.  This, coupled with the fact that he was an exceptional boyfriend to me, was making the act of keeping him at arms length almost inconceivable.
    I kept our alone time to the bare minimum.  If we studied together, we did it in the library.  We socialized at parties, the coffee house or on group dates.  I expounded on how busy I was with work and school.  It had worked so far but, Tucker was slowly chipping away at me. I was running out of ideas to keep him interested.  The “getting to know you” phase was over.  We knew all the basics about each other and it was becoming painfully aware to me that if I was going to get the money for Nick I was going to have to become intimate with Tucker, at least emotionally, to finally lock down the trust that was needed.  That sucked because I preferred not to know that much about him.  I was scared that if I let him into my life, and vice-versa, I would have a harder time toeing the line with him.
    On this particular day, I let Tucker stop by my dorm room between classes.  He said he had something important to ask me.  I felt Tucker's hand start to inch under my sweater.  “We have to stop,” I said, pulling my lips from his.  The kissing limit had been met for the day.  “I've got to get ready for class.”
    Tucker removed his hands and placed them by his head as he fell over on the other side of my bed. “Okay, buddy,” he chuckled.  I was pleasantly surprised by how respectful he was.  Sex hadn't come up yet and he didn't push the issue, which was nice.  I actually enjoyed making out with him.  What girl wouldn't?   It was no secret that I was attracted to him, and kissing him was my way of satisfying the lust-filled urges.  At first, I would picture Nick and remind myself that I was going to be with him when this was all over, but it was becoming harder and harder to concentrate on anything other than the perfect body that was pressed against mine. Whoever said “absence makes the heart grow fonder” didn't have Tucker Kline to occupy the absence.
    I sat up on the edge of the bed and let my feet hit the floor.  I heard him sigh, then felt his hands on me again.  I rolled my neck down as he began massage my shoulders with his strong hands. “I know we've only been together for a few weeks now, but I was wondering if you'd like to go home with me for the weekend.”
    I perked up and looked over my shoulder at him. “Really?” I asked with a smile.
    “ I have a few things I need to take care of with the family business.” He dropped his mouth to my neck and nipped the skin lightly with his teeth.  “Plus, you'll get to see where I grew up.”
    This was perfect!  He trusted me enough to take me to his home.  I had to take this opportunity.  It was also the perfect chance for him to confide in me.  We hadn't discussed the whole parents issue yet, and I knew that it would come up.  I needed him to feel vulnerable with me.  What better way was there talking about dead parents?  If I could show him that I truly cared about his feelings it would add some major points.
    “Okay.” I answered quickly and kissed him on the cheek.
    “ Great!”  The excited smile on his face was extremely cute.  He pulled me into a crushing hug before leaving.  “I can't wait to show you Harrington.”
    “ I can't wait!” I said with one last peck before shutting the door. 
    When I turned around, the girl smiling back at me in the mirror appeared to be pleased with the idea of going away with Tucker for a whole weekend. “Knock it off.” I

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