Glasswrights' Progress

Glasswrights' Progress by Mindy L Klasky Page A

Book: Glasswrights' Progress by Mindy L Klasky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mindy L Klasky
scratched and scarred warrior who patrolled the largest section of the rodent waterfront. If Hal could convince Puladarati that he could rule competently, the rest of the council would fall into place. Of course, if Hal could sprout wings and fly to Amanthia, he could overlook Sin Hazar’s palace and dispense with any further debate in council. Wings and Puladarati’s cooperation. Each was as likely as the other.
    â€œSo.” Hal bargained for a few more moments, looking up and down the table at his expectant lords. “Let us review what we know.” He steepled his hands in front of his chin, echoing a gesture that he had seen his eldest brother, Tuvashanoran, use. Before Tuvashanoran had died. Before the crown had passed to Hal.
    Clearing his throat, King Halaravilli forced himself to continue. “First. We know that Prince Bashanorandi has received correspondence from his uncle, from Sin Hazar. We know that the letters we intercepted did not contain direct incitement to rebellion; however, we cannot be certain what letters we did not receive.”
    Very good. None of the lords jumped in to interrupt. Hal continued. “Second. We know that Bashanorandi traveled to the hilltop three days ago. He went to fly his falcon, taking advantage of the clear weather, and the fact that falcon-master Gry was already transporting birds for Lady Rani and Lady Mair.”
    There was a shuffle of discomfort at the council table. What ? Hal wanted to cry
out. What bothers you so much about names ? Of course, he knew that his loyal lords were made
uncomfortable by his adding the honorific “lady” to the short names of a merchant and a Touched
girl. Hal stifled a sigh. Now was not the time to change the traditions of a kingdom. Now was not
the time to struggle with the beliefs of centuries. Hal had another mission at hand – saving
his stolen loyal vassals while protecting his kingdom from invasion. He continued.
    â€œThird. We know that the party on the hillside was attacked, apparently after L –, after Rani flew her falcon, because that bird has not been found. Two guards were killed outright, and three were taken captive, along with Prince Bashanorandi and the two ... girls. Are we in agreement?”
    â€œNo, Your Highness.” Hal stifled an oath and whirled to his right, to a spot halfway down the council table. He had not expected the full agreement of his council, but he had hoped to get further in his argument before his men contradicted their sworn liege lord.
    â€œAye, Tasuntimanu. And why do you disagree?” Hal fought to keep his words steady, although he was doubly upset when he realized the identity of the speaker. In other hallways, in other councils, Tasuntimanu was Hal’s sworn brother – both were members of the Fellowship of Jair. The existence of that shadowy group, though, was not known to most of the lords who crowded the council table. In fact, most of Hal’s sworn retainers would have been scandalized to learn that their lord and master had offered up his loyalty to another organization, to a group of individuals more powerful than the Crown, than the divine right of kingship bestowed upon the house of Jair by all the Thousand Gods.
    Because of the Fellowship, Hal knew Tasuntimanu. He knew that the older man was high in the ranks of that other body. Hal heard Tasuntimanu speak at the council table, and he listened to the voices of others, to advisers who would never be, who could never be admitted inside the council chamber. Swallowing hard, Hal pressed forward for enlightenment. “Go on, Tasuntimanu. Tell me why we are not in agreement.”
    â€œYour Highness,” the earl inclined his head respectfully, exposing the bald spot in the middle of his thinning mud-brown hair. “You must understand that the days are growing short, that autumn is almost over, and winter will soon be upon us.”
    â€œOf course I know the time of year.”

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