Glitter and Gunfire
sank into his skin. Cassidy stayed by his side every moment, her worried gaze on him.
    Blood streaked her clothes. Blood and dirt. She had to be exhausted after all that she’d been through, but the woman remained on her feet, stubbornly holding his hand like it was a lifeline for her.
    Or for him.
    This... this was the spoiled debutante that he’d scoffed at before?
    Hell, no. This woman was completely different. She was strong, and brave, and...
    He wanted her so badly that he ached. The newest bullet wound he had didn’t matter. The bruises and aches in his body were all but forgotten.
    Cassidy—and the growing need that he felt for her—consumed him.
    He couldn’t take his eyes off her face. So lovely. So perfect. When the Executioner had put his knife to her throat, when Cale had thought that Cassidy might die...
    I went a little mad.
    He’d raced up those stairs and had been ready to beat the man to death in an instant. Been ready to do anything for her.
    “Finished.” The doctor’s English was rough, but his fingers were fast enough as they snapped up the money that Logan offered for services rendered.
    “Obrigado.” Cale thanked him in Portuguese.
    The doctor nodded, then hurried from the small room. Logan followed him.
    Cale was left alone with Cassidy.
    He eased up, feeling the stretch of those new stitches as he sat on the edge of the metal exam table. Cassidy’s leg brushed against his.
    “Take it easy,” she said, eyes worried. “You don’t want to undo the man’s work so soon.”
    He pulled her closer, positioning her so that she stood between his spread knees. “You were wearing a mask.” He could see that now. No, see her.
    She blinked at him. “Uh, Cale, did you hit your head at any time during that fight? Maybe it’s too much blood loss....”
    His fingers rose and curled around her chin. “Stop, Cassidy. I see you now.”
    For an instant, fear flashed in her eyes, but she blinked and the emotion was gone.
    Just like that.
    She was very good at wearing her mask.
    A much better actor than he was.
    “What do you think it is that you see?” Her lips twisted. “A woman who almost got you killed?”
    “A woman who was willing to risk her life to stop a killer.”
    Her lashes lowered. “I didn’t want you hurt. You can’t keep taking bullets for me.”
    His hand went to hers once more. He brought her fingers to his bare chest.
    She flinched at the contact.
    He had to bite back a groan. Her hand was so soft, and she was—caressing him. Almost as if she didn’t even realize what she was doing.
    Swallowing, he moved her fingers, making sure that she felt all of the scars that marked him. Old bullet wounds. Knife wounds. Too many battles over too many years.
    “I’m used to risk,” he told her.
    Her lips parted as a soft sigh slipped from her. “But this risk should have been mine, not yours.”
    She was tracing the scar on his left side, just a few inches above his nipple.
    His pants were too tight, and Cale knew she had to see his arousal. There was no hiding some things.
    But Cassidy didn’t back away from him.
    She eased even closer.
    His heartbeat kicked up.
    “I’ve never seen anyone fight the way you did.”
    When it came to up-close kills, he knew he had a brutal talent. But that wasn’t something he would have chosen for her to see.
    I guess we’re both seeing things we shouldn’t. “Why do you do it?” Cale asked, voice deep and rough because the arousal he felt for her pulsed through him. “Why do you pretend to be the party girl, flitting from one ballroom to another?”
    “Maybe that is who I am.” Where his voice had been rough, hers was soft. Husky. “No pretending needed.”
    He didn’t buy it anymore. “No. You’re the woman who didn’t flinch when the Executioner had his knife at her throat.” Even though she’d flinched when she’d touched Cale’s chest.
    So many contradictions.
    So much mystery.
    That was Cassidy.
    “You’re strong

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