Gregory's Game

Gregory's Game by Jane A. Adams Page B

Book: Gregory's Game by Jane A. Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane A. Adams
door, she glanced back towards his study. She could hear him faintly, speaking on the phone. Mae glanced at her watch and then let herself out. A couple more days and she’d be done. She could leave. But no matter how she reasoned with herself, the feeling of dread would not be cast aside or pushed away. It sat, solemn and judgemental at the edge of her consciousness and told her she was a damned fool.
    And I can’t argue, Mae thought. I’m a fool and this is all wrong and I don’t think any of us are going to make it through unscathed. It’ll be a bloody miracle if any of us make it out alive.

    K at was up early on the Wednesday morning. Desiree had woken at five and wanted to play so rather than wake the whole house, Kat had taken her out into the garden after breakfast and they had tossed a ball around for a while on the dew-soaked lawn. Autumn was really taking hold. The first leaves had fallen from the willow and the horse chestnut had begun to turn golden. This would be the first year that Desiree could kick her way through the crispy leaves. The first year she might actually appreciate snow. The first Christmas she’d really take notice of.
    Kat was looking forward to all of that with an intensity she hadn’t realized she possessed, not until her baby came along.
    â€˜We’re going home today,’ she told her little girl as she swung her up into the air, enjoying the baby giggles. ‘Going to see Daddy.’
    â€˜Daddy,’ Desi said and looked around expectantly.
    â€˜No, he’s not here. We’ve got to go and drive in the car.’
    â€˜In the car.’
    â€˜Yes, in the car.’
    Returning to the house, Kat found that her aunt and uncle were up and bustling about the kitchen. Cousin Sarah lurched down the stairs in her dressing gown, still bleary-eyed. Kat accepted tea, tugged the pink wellingtons from Desi’s feet and took off her coat before setting her loose on a still-sleepy cousin Sarah.
    â€˜I thought I’d make an early start,’ she said. ‘I can be back by lunch, do some shopping and get sorted before Ian gets home.’ She saw the faint flicker of relief in her aunt’s eyes. They loved Desiree, but it had been a long time since they’d had a child in the house and the strain was staring to show.
    â€˜Just as you like, love. Need any help with your packing?’
    â€˜No, I’m fine. There’s not a lot. It’s been lovely catching up, though.’
    â€˜It has. It’s a pity Ian couldn’t have stopped over for longer.’
    Kat nodded, though she knew that neither her aunt nor her husband could really have coped with that any more than Ian could. He did his best, but he wasn’t cut out to be sociable.
    She finished her tea and scooped up her little girl. ‘Come and help me pack, Desi doo?’ She felt her uncle wince. He hated baby talk – which was why she indulged, Kat admitted. She smiled to herself and hugged the toddler tightly and headed up the stairs.
    They were on the road by eight forty-five, making good time through the little villages and narrow country lanes. Desiree had fallen asleep almost as soon as the car started to move and Kat, angling her rear-view mirror, smiled at the sleepy, slightly grumpy face. Her hair had really started to grow now and at thirteen months, just toddling and with blonde curls, Desiree was, in Kat’s opinion, the most beautiful thing on God’s earth – even accounting for the fact that Kat was not a bit religious.
    Even if her attention had been fully on the road, it is doubtful that Kat could have reacted differently. She had been driving cautiously, but not slowly on roads she knew well, had slowed for the last bend, but just accelerated again, so that when the tyre blew out, the car was travelling at almost fifty miles an hour.
    Kat screamed and slammed on the brakes. She felt the skid begin and desperately tried to pull

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