GRIT (The Silver Nitrate Series Book 2)

GRIT (The Silver Nitrate Series Book 2) by Tiana Laveen Page A

Book: GRIT (The Silver Nitrate Series Book 2) by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
Tags: Fiction
The man started to jump on.
    “Oh no, my main man! You misunderstand.” She put her hand up to stop him. “You’re not drivin’ her. You’d be my passenger. Get on the back of the seat with me.” He made a face, clearly displeased, which amused her to no end.
    “You must be crazy, Silver. I’m not getting on the back of a bike with you! That’s… that’s just wrong!”
    “Here we go with this macho shit again.” She twisted her lips and rolled her eyes.
    “You can call it whatever you want, but I’m not getting on the back of a damn motorcycle with my woman at the wheel! That’s some punk ass pussy shit, and that’s final!”

    …5 minutes later…
    “Ahhhhhh! What tha fuck?! Slow down! Damn!” Zenith looked about nervously as he held onto the woman’s small waist. He had no idea where the hell he was, and even if he did, they were moving so damn fast everything was just a choppy blur. He forwent the extra helmet she had, for the thing was too damn tight… and now he was living to regret it. He’d placed his hair in an emergency ponytail, but the wind had kicked up and with Silver speeding down the streets, it was beating him about the face like a flag during a tornado, giving him what for.
    “I am going slow!” she screamed out over the roar of the engine. If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear the woman was fucking with him, getting her rocks off… and then he felt her body tremble, as if she were repressing laughter.
    This was a set up!
    “Alright, game over, Silver. You’ve had your fun. You can go back to the house now and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” She sped off again, full speed down a narrow road that seemed barely travelled. As they bopped and bounced about, he believed they passed a small, dilapidated shed, the kind rotting, dead bodies would be stored in…
    She’s trying to kill me!
    “Silver! If I survive this, you’re dead meat!” he threatened, only to feel her body vibrate once again. “You’re doing this shit on purpose!”
    All he could hear was the woman cackling now as she moved like some stunt woman about to jump a daredevil loop. She just kept on going, and after a while, he simply let go. No use fighting it. Silver was a damn maniac. He’d fallen in love with a complete psycho, and this was the price he had to pay. He closed his eyes and prayed he made it back to her house in one piece. Each time he screamed and cursed, she laughed that much harder, so he kept mum as much as possible and silently pleaded for endurance.
    “Alright….” She finally came to a crawl as they neared the residential streets, blending back in with civilization. She took her turns slow and easy. “You can open your eyes now,” she said, mirth in her tone. “You should have seen your face!” The woman laughed loud, sounding more obnoxious than ever.
    “Yeah, that was real funny, wasn’t it?” He smiled at her, but he had plans for Ms. Silver Faye… big, nasty plans… “Yeah, that was fun, Silver. I’m having a great time…fuckin’ fantastic time.” She tensed in his grip and threw him a suspicious look over her shoulder.
    “Awww, don’t be that way, Zenith! I was just playing. Don’t be a baby!” she said in a mocking voice.
    “Oh no, sweetie! It was awesome. Yeah, that was cool… You’re great, baby… just great.” He smiled so big he could feel the cool air smacking against his teeth… but that wouldn’t be the only thing smacking. After a few moments, she pulled back up to her home. They both made haste to get off the ride. Removing her helmet, she threw her arms around his neck, her joyousness evident in her glimmering eyes.
    Yeah… Ms. Stuntwoman comedian had a good ass time at my expense… Well, she’s the one that’s going to pay the price…
    He picked her up in his arms, causing her to squeal. Spinning her around, he smiled into her eyes, then placed a delicate kiss on the tip of her nose before setting her back down.
    “I’ll be right back. Gotta get

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