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Book: Halversham by RS Anthony Read Free Book Online
Authors: RS Anthony
the police?”
    “Of course I did,” Jared spat. “I told Sheriff Calaway and they searched Milton’s house but came up with nothing. I’m pretty sure he has Emily hidden in his basement. The sheriff must have missed a clue or something, but I know she’s in there. And I know she’s alive.” Jared’s eyes were shooting flames by the time he finished his story.
    “Does Milton live alone?”
    “That’s how it appears from the outside. He even kicked his daughter out of that place. Can you imagine that? The man is cruel, and he can’t stand other people.” Jared shook his head and his eyes narrowed. “I can’t prove it, but he’s the only one in this town capable of such evil. Think about it. Why else would he live up on the hill all alone? He had his property fenced right after Emily went missing. You think that’s a coincidence?”
    Andy didn’t know what to think. Mr. Milton’s behavior did seem suspicious, but small town rumors often got stretched. “But why would he kidnap her?”
    Jared shrugged. “Who knows? He’s a sick bastard.”
    “Has anyone ever been up to Milton’s house?”
    “Except for his daughter and Sheriff Calaway, I don’t think anyone’s gone in. But a bunch of schoolkids went up there a year ago. You know how kids are, middle graders wanting to prove themselves. The kids went as far as the wrought iron gate and then ran back down the hill hysterical after a loud noise came from inside. The story evolved, and eventually became the kind kids shared around camp fires. But I know what really went on up there because my cousin Dirk was one of the kids. I think the old man made that noise, whatever it was, on purpose to keep the kids out. My question is why?”
    Andy shook his head, trying to process it all.
    “You should take the job. Work for him, sneak into his basement, and save my sister.”
    “Me?” Andy laughed incredulously.
    “Yeah, think about it.” Jared shifted his position eagerly. “If you work for him, you’ll have access to his basement, which none of us have. You could easily expose the man without getting caught.”
    Andy laughed again and shook his head. Hadn’t he enough problems with the Curds as it was? Did he want to start something with Milton as well? “I don’t know, Jared. I don’t want any trouble, you know?”
    “Don’t you want to save my sister?”
    “Look, I’m sorry about your sister but I don’t even know if I want this job. I need a few days to think about it.”
    “What’s there to think about?” Jared’s eyes were wide, unconvinced.
    “I don’t know, I just...” He didn’t know what to say. This was all too much, too fast, and he needed a moment to think.
    Jared sighed and backed off. “I’m sorry. You know what, take your time. Let me know when you’ve thought about it.” After all, he had only met Andy a few minutes ago and was already pushing the kid to take on a secret mission. His eyes were red, but his expression softened as he slapped his knees. “I’m feeling kind of hungry. What say you we have something to eat?”
    “Yeah. I can run up to the house, get us something to eat, and be back in ten minutes. And then we can eat here while the sheep graze. I usually pack lunch before I start herding, but it slipped my mind when I met you this morning,” Jared said, scratching his head. “Can you stay and watch the sheep while I go up?”
    Jared ran back to his house as Andy stayed on the rock, his stomach making soft gurgling sounds. His watch said it was almost noon. The conversation with Jared had been most revealing. Corrine’s pregnancy for example. And Mr. Milton. But the real question was, what was he going to do about all that he had learned?
    Jared returned a few minutes later with two bowls of chicken soup, salad, and a generous amount of bread in a picnic hamper. “Everything in the salad’s fresh from our farm. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
    Andy picked up the bowl of

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