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Book: Halversham by RS Anthony Read Free Book Online
Authors: RS Anthony
green salad and his eyes glistened. It was just the way his mom used to make, with simple vinaigrette dressing and grated feta. Andy dug in hungrily and slurped up the soup in no time, sopping it up with the bread as he went. The chicken soup was good despite containing nothing more than chicken, cabbage, and carrots. His mother used to say the trick to a tasty meal was fresh ingredients, and it could not have been truer in this instance. Andy wiped his mouth when he finished and belched.
    “Thanks. That was great.”
    Jared laughed. “No problem.” Andy stacked up the empty bowls and looked at his watch again. It was half past noon. They talked about Jared’s father and then shifted the topic to Andy’s mother. Soon it was time for Andy to leave.
    “I better go, Jared. I have to feed this dog that lives at the foot of the hill. My mom used to feed a whole bunch of them. Now there’s only one. Do you know what happened to them?” Andy slid his backpack on.
    “Dogs?” Jared looked confused. “That I don’t know anything about. Sorry.”
    “It’s okay.” Andy shrugged. “I just thought you might know something. My mom loved those dogs. It’s one of the reasons I came back here. But then, it’s been three years. Anything could have happened.”
    “Well, all the more reason to suspect Milton. He lives just up the hill. Remember Brody?”
    Andy paused to think, nodded, and then left.
    After Andy’s mother became ill two years ago, she pleaded with her husband to cut down on his trips and spend more time at home. Paul had made a solemn promise to limit his travels as she wished but it only lasted one month. From the second month onward, his father went on business trips as usual. Although disappointed, Andy’s mother accepted it but Andy was livid. “How could you be so selfish?” he had screamed at his father as he wheeled his suitcase out one morning.
    “I have to go, Andy. I want you to look after your mother and call me if anything happens.” Andy stood back and watched as Trevor loaded the suitcase into the car. His father put on his glasses and got in without a trace of remorse.
    Just yesterday, Corrine had called Andy aloof. In fact, he had wanted to get out of town the moment he found out about Uncle Matt and Corrine’s problems. And today, Jared had given him a strange look when Andy made it clear he wasn’t particularly interested in investigating his sister’s disappearance. Suddenly, all of Andy’s actions seemed to be pointing in one uncomfortable direction, and he was reluctant to face the inevitable question: was he unwittingly becoming a clone of his insensitive father?
    Andy walked along the main street, paying attention to each store, and came across an inn. Just outside it was a tree with a piece of paper tacked to it. Both the sides had faded and rolled to the middle, where two rusty thumbtacks on opposing ends held it in place. Andy went closer, put his fingers through the middle, and splayed them to spread out the paper. The face of a girl appeared, the word MISSING printed in bold at the top. Andy shifted his hand and saw her name: Emily Doyne. He took another look at the girl’s face, and then left.
    A moment later, he was in Dorrie’s, reaching for canned dog food on a shelf. He also picked up a dog bowl and treats before pushing his squeaky cart to the counter. After scanning the row of check-out counters, Andy spotted Chuck working the last counter to his left. He wheeled the cart over and queued behind an elderly lady. Five minutes later, it was his turn.
    “Hi, Chuck.”
    “Hey, Andy. How are ya?”
    “I’m good. Thanks. How about you?”
    “Good, man.” Chuck scanned the items as Andy laid them on the counter.
    “Hey, I was wondering. Remember that job you were talking about the other day? With Mr. Milton?”
    “Is it still available?”
    “I’m sure it is, but I’ll have to check with my ma. Why? You interested?”
    “Yeah. I think I’ll work for

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