Hannah (The Hawthorne Sisters)

Hannah (The Hawthorne Sisters) by Ava Catori Page B

Book: Hannah (The Hawthorne Sisters) by Ava Catori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Catori
such things. Still a kid, she had high school to finish, and then hopefully college, too. No, Hannah would have to stay here, helping her mother. It only made sense. Though, she’d only be living down the lane.
    Feeling a little selfish, she realized she had her own life to live , too. She’d have children, her own house, and chores to do. She couldn’t run the farm here forever. Maybe she could help them bring in a ranch hand, somebody to pitch in and help. Could they afford it? She couldn’t ask Bryce to foot that bill. She’d figure it out. Or even Allie. No, that’s not fair either. She had her own life to live.
    Pacing across her room, she was unsettled.
    These were decisions her mother should be making, and yet Hannah couldn’t help but want to shoulder the burden. She’d stepped in, taken on the role. It was her responsibility…only, it wasn’t. Her job was to live her life and start her own family. The reality hit her. She wasn’t in charge.  She was just a girl that filled in when Mom couldn’t. Mom was okay now. She could take care of her family, right? Hannah would help. Maybe it was time for her to step down, take a step back. She had her own life to live. Those words rang through her again. Family meant being there, but it didn’t mean giving up your own life in the process. She’d do what she could, but it was time for her to move forward.
    Yes, she’d marry Bryce. Yes, she’d start her own family. A smile spread across her face as she realized what was holding her back. She was, and her own self-imposed responsibility and wanting to take care of her famil y. She’d find someone who could step in and help run the farm. With a lighter load on her shoulders, Hannah sank back into her bed with relief washing through her veins. She knew her answer. Yes, she would marry him.
    Hannah ran a finger over the new ring she wore. She was getting married.
    At Thanksgiving dinner, everybody offered them congratulations. She’d let it slip a week earlier, but now that they were seated together at the kitchen table, it was the center of conversation. At first her mother worried she might be moving too fast, like her sister usually did, but knew Hannah was grounded and wouldn’t make a decision she wasn’t happy with.
    Allie had moved out , and Hannah would be getting married. Gretta looked at her girls sitting at the table. They’d added two more chairs to the end of the table, and they all sat together. Only Richard hadn’t made it, but with Bryce here and her five girls, they had a full house as it was.
    Richard was going to his own family’s Thanksgiving . He was angry with Allie that she’d chosen to go home and not go with him. It didn’t go over well, and Allie sat at the table, barely having a word to say. She should have gone with him, sat by his side. What was she thinking? She knew he’d be angry with her for at least another day. When he got angry, he brooded and didn’t let her forget that she’d pissed him off. It was hard to shake the feeling of his wrath. It was a foolish mistake, but she’d wanted to see her sisters and offer her congratulations to Hannah and Bryce. Besides, she hadn’t been home in a while, and Mom was getting on her to stop by. Thanksgiving made sense, so she chose that day to come home.
    Maggie sat watching everyone talking a mile a minute. She loved when they were all together like this. There wouldn’t be many more big family dinners soon. Allie already moved out , and Hannah would be moving out too. The house would seem empty with only herself, Sarah, and Mom living here.
    Hannah spoke of hiring help when she moved out, but Gretta scoffed. She’d figure it out. Hannah had done enough. Bryce knew of someone that might be a good fit, and offered to give Gretta his contact information. She thanked him, and told him not to wor ry. She’d be just fine.
    Sarah played with her food. She couldn’t help but notice her father’s presence missing. It was the

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